I didn't know much about Amendment 3. But I saw a commercial the other day that it would only allow the big existing companies to grow or sell marijuana. It's the lead item on Politifact at the moment. Is Florida’s marijuana amendment a ‘monopoly’ proposal? No. WESH: Florida's Amendment 3 opposition ad fact check
Yeah, if they don't let you grow your own it is crap deal. Most states legalized the ability to grow for self consumption.
It is not a monopoly. But what is clear is that the “business” of medical marijuana is a very difficult business to profit. There’s still competition with the street dealer, who doesn’t have the vertical integration expenses to deal with, and doesn’t have to deal with the enormous costs of purity manufacturing. Florida has only a handful of medical marijuana licenses, but last year it opened up an applications for roughly 20 more licenses. Those new licenses were supposed to have been granted at the end of last year/first quarter this year. But, with the amendment, DeSantis apparently d3cid3d to put the approval process on indefinite hold. If Amendment 3 is granted, recreational marijuana will be legal, but still heavily regulated. There will still be limited licenses, regulations on the purity of the product, and heavy regulations on use (no driving, likely no outside use, etc). The questions will be how the legislature deals with integration—whether it will allow horizontal integration(along a seller to purchaser from an independent grower), or whether there remains the mandate of complete verticality (there the seller must grow, process, store, package and sell). In short, the Amendment is step 1 to answering many questions about how, when, when, who and where marijuana may be consumed.
The Amendment 3 framework would not be my first choice if we were drafting legislation, but we're not; we're starting from the medical framework which came out of the last time the voters had to weigh in directly to get something done. Despite every poll I have seen indicating that most Floridians want marijuana to be legal for recreational purposes, our legislature and our Governor apparently support continued prohibition and keeping it as a criminal act. Those opposing legalization weren't able to keep it off the ballot despite their best efforts. Now, I think they're now trying to act populist and confuse people. It's not as if they're out there supporting an alternate framework for legalization. Heck, they could have already legalized it legislatively, and if they had, I doubt Amendment 3 would have had a chance of passing at that point.
I am not wild about how it is worded but I like to look at who opposes amendments. There isn’t one decent person actively opposing it. The problem is our idiot state legislators are going to have to pass some reasonable legislation. We are responsible for electing the nimrods in Tallahassee.
what's the purpose of not allowing homegrown? it might be too potent? lobbying funds from the big companies? afraid it might encourage more smoking?
The biggest thing I can think of is they don’t want home grower going to the local farmer’s market and selling it.
you'd think that would be easily controllable. I checked Colorado, out of curiosity. Home grow laws | Colorado Cannabis.
Trump says yes. Your rival “libbies” say yes. DeSantis says no. Cause it’s the Free State of Florida with limited government.
I am voting yes on 3 and 4. Even though I don’t smoke pot and I don’t have a womb. The one I am uncertain on is the property tax one.
Not disagreeing with you about the possible tax motive, but out of curiosity - wouldn't the same motive exist to prohibit people from making their own beer and wine at home? It seems that the vast majority of drinkers are content to buy their beer and wine at the store and pay the tax as opposed to making them at home (or buying them on the black market).
I'm not sure how the street dealer can compete. Purchasing weed is cheep. A 10mg gummy is 1.50. Vapes are super cheap and last forever. I'm not sure about the bud pricing but the genetic options are endless. Why would anyone buy off the street when you can buy clean customized weed for the same momey? It would be like buying black market beer or liquor for the same price as from a store.
I have an old pickle jar that I put random weed in & have for years. When I offer it, people ask what is it. I say weed. They hand it back like it's a turd. It's like if you took a labelless bottle of liquor to a party & said want some liquor. Legal weed has made people super snobs.
Don't want to be in violation of the federal law? 3 is silent to it. Meant to discourage grow your own grow farms. Limit product to inspected and certified
yeah. probably. but liquor & weed have never been treated equally & I suspect there is still reluctance to do so. to yr pt, I constantly turn away weed & have stupid amounts on hand & still buy & consume mostly store bought.
So, people were clamoring for the legalization of recreational marijuana use in Florida and it’s finally on the ballot yet ….. the ability to buy weed for personal use is still not good enough for some folks?