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I predict this will tilt the election to Trump

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by gator95, Sep 27, 2024.

  1. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
  2. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
    Just because a jury convicts someone that doesn't mean that person actually committed the crime. Highly likely Trump was completely innocent and anyone who thinks otherwise has a screw loose.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I assume since you link this, you also read the rebuttals on that very thread?

    Steve tries hard. You are persistent, but not really an effort guy.
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  4. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    We don’t want to hear your BLM talking points.
  5. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Harris criminals: 'Tens of thousands' of illegals with sex offenses, homicide convictions loose in U.S. * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh (wnd.com)

    Joe Biden assigned Kamala Harris to handle the crisis at the southern border they created when they took office and immediately smashed down all of the security plans implemented by President Donald Trump.

    "As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE's national docket—13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!" Gonzales charged.

    "The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges," Fox reported.
    The numbers are intimidating: There are 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide, the report said.

    Another 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,611 have sexual assault convictions.

    This is what Harris and left created
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
  7. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
  8. gator95

    gator95 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007

    Do I take trump more seriously? No. He’s a complete idiot. What I’m saying is this data will push undecided voters to him because like it or not he viewed poll wise as better for the border issue.
  9. gator95

    gator95 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007

    Those numbers should be zero. We should let in exactly ZERO illegal immigrants into our country who have a criminal background. We can’t deport US citizens but the US sure can limit the number of criminals it allows into the country and both sides have failed at this. Just happens that the Biden/harris admin let in so many illegals compared to the previous trump admin that those numbers are staggering. But you keep trying to rationalize it. IMO this will cost Harris the election unless trump does something very stupid(high probability LOL).
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    I am not seeing this reported on any news outlet be it left or right. I will admit that I haven't looked at every single outlet, but if it is that hard to find I don't think this will be moving the needle at all
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    And your boy blocked the bill. As a result you will NEVER get a bill
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  12. WarDamnGator

    WarDamnGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007

    ATLGATORFAN Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    nice talking point but total garbage bill.

    What’s in the Senate’s sweeping $118 billion immigration and foreign aid bill?

    all it did was codify that border jumpers could ‘wait’ for their totally bogus asylum claim inside the US with US tax payer funded attorneys while softening the language to assure asylum. Also Codified that 1.8m+ could enter before they could ‘shut the border’.

    In true government fashion the $118 billion border bill contains only 20 billion for the border

    Total size: $118.3 billion. That includes:

    • About $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine
    • $14.1 billion in aid for Israel
    • $4.83 billion in aid for the Indo-Pacific region
    • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, among other places
    • $2.3 billion in refugee assistance inside the U.S.
    • $20.2 billion for improvements to U.S. border security
    • $2.72 billion for domestic uranium enrichment
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    So what you're saying is you don't want any changes or funding related to immigration or border security, because that was your last shot. The GOP has pulled the rug at the last minute twice now and it won't happen again.

    ATLGATORFAN Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Just like the inflation reduction act made inflation worse, this garbage bill would have only accelerated crossings for the first 1.8m+ and funnels hundred of millions to NGOs where the money magically gets redirected to things other than border protection. Less than 20% of the border bill was for the border and the language only made it easier to cross and claim. So no it was not a comprehensive border bill. It was just one more money grab
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 2
  16. G8tas

    G8tas GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 22, 2008
    Like I said you're ok with never having a bill because there will never be one.
  17. gator_jo

    gator_jo GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 9, 2024
    I bet in an assessment of criminal conduct, illegal immigrants would compare favorably to the populations of most Republican states.
    • Funny Funny x 1

    ATLGATORFAN Premium Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    like i really said I am totally ok with this garbage bill being voted down as it did nothing to stem the flow of bs asylum claims and flood of border jumpers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  19. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    I think the economy is a much bigger issue for 98% of Americans. And the economy is a complicated issue. One that should not be trusted to a complete idiot who is not self-aware enough to know that he should be listening to smarter people. Trump was lucky in his time as president--the economy was finally recovering from the 2008 collapse, and the stock market had a strong run. Trump did little or nothing to cause that (just like Bill Clinton did little or nothing to cause the bull market in the 1990's), other than give corporations a major tax break (which caused the federal debt to increase by several trillion).

    The main states that could be swayed by a border issue are Arizona and New Mexico. California is just too liberal to have this issue overcome the economy and the environment. Texas seems to have mostly made peace with all of the Mexicans living and working there, and has been trending towards the liberals in recent years. New Mexico is also slightly liberal, so that leaves Arizona. The rest of the states have only occasional issues with the central and south American immigrants.

    There is no question that Trump is very Nixon-like in his desire to exact revenge on his enemies in questionable ways. He stacked the Supreme Court so he could get immunity for his crimes should he return to office. He has the approach of a ten-year-old when it comes to foreign policy, and may be compromised by Russia to the point of turning over Ukraine to them. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that a Russian win in Ukraine increases future national defense spending and encourages China to invade Taiwan. International rule of law is a fragile thing, and should not be trusted to idiots or former reality show clowns.

    Finally, Trump's performance in the pandemic leaves no doubt that he is completely unqualified to handle a national emergency. Fortunately, he did not interfere too much with the experts to prevent them from doing their jobs. But he was definitely a major distraction and that led to a lot of people denying the dangers of Covid, which led to a lot of deaths. It almost led to Trump's death.
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  20. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    world nut daily

    Must have been a slow day on Storm Front.