Tech was robbed. Of course if they don't go for the fake fg they would have been in position to kick the winning fg at the end.
The Miami defensive player #43 is clearly lying on the ground out of bounds before he reaches for the ball. Horrendous reversal of the call made on the field. Not a single angle showed conclusive evidence of the ground impact knocking out the ball. If your replay takes five minutes, your evidence is likely not there. That should be a touchdown and a Hokies W.
That shaky call could’ve gone either way, but Tech shouldn’t have let it come down to that in the first place. Had plenty of chances to finish Miami off.
ACC made a business decision. I don't believe games are "predetermined " but if calls can be made to shade the favor in a way it benefits the conference then I do believe money wins. 7 minutes to review shouldn't be allowed to begin with because it means the evidence isn't incontrovertible. ACC protected their front runner and said we'll deal with the fallout because it won't last.
It’s impossible to not only consider it, you have to expect it. The ACC refs have been doing this for decades. The Swindle in The Swamp was not the first time the ACC had their refs fix a game.
Someone let Va Tech know they're they were treated like royalty compared to what the ACC officials did to us in the Swindle. Id love to have seen how fast those officials could run off the field if they call happened in Va Techs home stadium instead of Miami. They would have got pelted with every loose item on the way out and they deserved it. Shameful ACC officiating.