Things are breaking perfectly for Miami the way they did for fsu last year. A primitime night game at home with hype building against what should be a win while the other state teams are reeling. Crazy how we were the top team in the state 18 through 20 until it all derailed. I hate Miami. Someone on their schedule needs to step up please.
Virginia Tech seems to alternate between being solid and being mediocre. I’m guessing this is one of their mediocre seasons. Miami should roll but it’s a conference game so you never know.
They returned virtually all their starters on both sides of the ball, but lost close games to Vandy and Rutgers. The question with everyone is whether or not it is too soon to tell whether anyone is good or not. One thing for certain. Miami looks to be very good. But have they played anyone any good? One thing for certain. Billy's seat is not the only one that is hot. Hokie fans expected a return to normal, and this ain't it. They are in the same boat we are.