We had a huge storm yesterday at 5AM in Miami Beach that knocked out power for some and knocked down signs. Whitecaps in a canal behind where I live. Tropical storm force winds in that cell. Center was 350-400 miles away in the gulf then
Here in Birmingham, no rain, no winds. Was hoping for another good rain event like the last Hurricane that hit LA and gave us a nice 7 inches. Got to look at the silver lining, some areas north of Florida have been really dry. This hurricane will help relieve some of that especially up in Tennessee.
I saw a cloud in the sky for the first time in almost a week. But doubt it was from the hurricane all the way out here in Yellowstone
Massive storm. I suppose one positive is that it's not stationary, but that probably didn't help with the surge on the coastline.
Fire trucks still run strong. Two engines just flew by my place heading south where a lot of the flooding happened and where power is still out. It's amazing how stupid people get when a light is out and no one thinks to still treat it like a 4 way stop.
I got flipped off this morning treating one like a 4 way by the guy behind me. I used to get confrontational about shit like that but too many crazy people nowadays.
Agreed. Pretty impressive since it wasn’t even a storm at that point. I wonder what the yellow model is? It nailed the track perfectly.
Cedar Key is one of my favorite "Old Florida" coastal spots. Still relatively "undiscovered" compared to other places. But I've always known this would happen. Those scenes look like Haiti. Makes me so sad to see.