Looks like unless it ramps up before landfall, thankfully not trying to outdo her big brother. Radar hinted at winds reaching 200 mph.
Didn’t know you were into that? I took lessons a long time ago and I’m planning to get back into it next summer.
Thinkin’ you meant Tyndall AFB. Michael destroyed TAFB. Elgin/Hurlburt were far enough west to be safe. The TAFB records before blown offline helped confirm Cat 5 for Michael.
I did. Though only in SE US. It's going to rain on the just and unjust alike. I'm in Western Carolina and I've heard 6-12" rain and 70mph wind - our house is on an exposed ridge and the wind just rips through here - the cracks around doors and windows whistle when wind like that hits. What a storm
It is very windy in Jax right now. Much stronger than I anticipated. I was letting my dogs out and heard metal scraping on pavement. I went out front and found two of my neighbors chasing a trampoline. I helped them drag it back home and break it down. Edit: Now with video!
A good sized pine came down from my gf's backyard. Fell in between her and her neighbor's house, down her driveway, and the top is blocking the road. There's someone's tree down in her backyard that also missed the house. It's in the pool.
I took lessons from a guy that did a first descent from Everest base camp. Guy was nuts but very good.