Most here are lefty loons who don't know squat beyond Mr. Mean Tweets and Orange Man bad. If I were you, I wouldn't be too happy being lumped in with 85% of the posters here.
What you don't know about Trump would stun a team of oxen in their tracks. You are a disinformation and propaganda victim of right wing media. Do NOT drink the purple kool-aid when Trump tells you to eventually.
Thanks, but I'm not going to hold my breath. It is what democrats do. We all know it's open season on insults so long as it is originating from the left. I didn't even think twice when city insulted me that way. It happens every day by posters using different insults to fit the circumstance that they are wanting to use.
The rules have changed a bit too, like putting a meaningful opinion on one's own linked original posts... That was never a thing for years until about a few or so years ago. We get questioned all the time about what we post while they post hit piece after hit piece threads/links... and no one thinks to consolidate them into one big hit-parade of hate...
That quote from Joe sounds great ...when Trump was asked if Vance is ready to be president, he said VPs don't matter...
Kind of amazing the way Kamala Harris has gone from being categorized as a Vice President who did nothing for three years to running the country. Somewhat similar to the way the right-wing media has been categorizing Joe Biden. One one hand he is cognitively diminished while on the other hand he is an evil genius who is running a crime family.
Yes. The word "comrade" (in Russian - товарищ, pronounced tovarisch) is a formal way to refer to an ally. There are lots of Russian allies on this board. Their physical location while they post is up for debate. It's also gender neutral so he/her is not needed.
Yeah, they don't really think things through, but they don't have to because their base is pretty gullible.
They are basically single cell organisms reacting to stimulus reflexively. You cant blame yeast for acting like yeast.
I want to respectfully suggest an edit to your post. Mine would say; "You are a disseminator of disinformation and propaganda, just like right wing media."