Another Biden W. Good job weaponizing the DOJ against a terrible mayor. Mayor Eric Adams Is Indicted: Live Updates
Dang, he was the sane, centrist, pro-police , anti-immigration leadership we so desperately needed in this moment.
I think in the past I did preface that I had no idea if he would be a good governor from a practical governance standpoint, just that he was successful politically running on a centrist platform.
Today is September 25th. B is the 2nd letter in the alphabet (Biden) E is the 5th letter in the alphabet (Eric) 2+5=7, and G is the 7th letter in the alphabet... the 7th letter in Mar-a-Lago is G Don't you think it's strange? Just a little? All you sheep will just ignore it though since it's not being reported on MSNBC.
Selling yourself out to Turkey? When you can just finish your term out and then make a ton of money on the speaking circuit? Odd but not unusual. Federal investigators have focused since 2021 on whether Mr. Adams and his campaign conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign donations, and on whether Mr. Adams pressured Fire Department officials to sign off on the opening of a high-rise consulate building for the Turkish government despite safety concerns.
as soon as this guy shared his frustration with the unsustainability of letting illegals pour over the border, he was under investigation.
I think the stupidity marathon is the list of idiotic BS maga uses to justify trump's felonies. Posters above are just making fun of how silly that is, not sure we need facts of the indictment to poke a little fun. Thought this one was particularly good:
As I said, I will wait for the facts, but to be honest with you it would not surprise me in the slightest if there is no substance at all this. In a few weeks the next elections are going to start cranking and if the DOJ wants him out, then they are going to get him out early. If this is legit, without legal shenanigans making 2+2=3 then let the chips fall where they may for Mr. Adam’s.