You’d think, but I wouldn’t be so certain. For instance, Crane Naval base in southern Indiana was created as a weapons depot.
There are also navy bases in China lake, ca and Fallon, nv. Far from the ocean but important for naval aviation and weapons systems.
Just to be clear, I don’t think it was naval ordnance. I was just making a point that I have no idea what was destroyed in those strikes.
And since we now know the ordnance was staged in the open (not stored in the bunkers), I think we may safely infer that the targeted stockpiles were being prepared for use. Therefore, most likely glidebombs and/or artillery. Now when those went up, they apparently caused sympathetic detonations in the surrounding bunkers according to the open-source satellite imagery. Whatever was in those bunkers is anyone’s guess.
I heard that they were out in the open because the Russians don't use pallets and forklifts, their munitions are stored in wooden crates with rope handles. After offloading the crates manually, they were simply too lazy to properly store them and just left them out.
It’s possible. The good news for those who were too lazy is that they have probably now gone to some form of eternal rest where their work ethic is no longer relevant, one way or another. If what you say is true, then I would say they chose poorly in the ancient problem of “sweat now or bleed later.”
it really reflects how much impact refusing to allow long range weapons has had on this war. think about how many Ukrainians would be alive today if we would ahve equipped and allowed the use of long range weapons to take out those depots 18 months ago. Our passive approach has been very costly. Congrats to them on developing and deploying their own long-range weapons, I secretly hope that good guys somewhere had a hand in helping thema ccomplish that task independently.
Russia's new terrifying weapon, the Sarmat Satan II missile, was fired successfully with great destruction. Travel time of the missile was minimal, so the West will get essentially no warning before the missile explodes and destroys everything in the immediate vicinity. Crater is hundreds of feet wide. Damage is described as "extensive" and "catastrophic". Another great success for Russian missile program. Only one limitation, a minor technicality, really: missile must be transported by truck and buried under target before exploding it, for maximum effect. Are you scared yet?
Yes, they have 6,000 more where that one came from. And it’s not like we know any of ours would launch if needed. I don’t get the cavalier attitude about nuclear war. Think about it. If nukes were to fly … We’ll never know what happened in Russia. We won’t even know what’s happening in the next county. No Internet ever again. No Gatorcountry ever again. If your kids and grandads are out of state you’ll never know if they lived or died. You’ll never see them again. If you were lucky to have survived the blast, you’ll envy those who did not. And people like you want to push, push! PUSH!!!
Jake always makes great product. His predictions of future events are always too optimistic for my taste, but his presentation on the facts of events that have happened and his analysis of what they mean are usually exceptional.
Great video. I took this still shot from which shows the crater from one of the ordinances that blew up. I'm assuming this is the explosion that created the mushroom cloud and the huge shock wave. I don't know what kind of bomb that was but holy crap... I'm glad it blew up there and not in Kiev. It isn't clear in the pic, but in the video you can see that all the trees around the area have been blown down... kind of like when Mount St. Helena blew. Crazy. I'm assuming if it were a nuclear blast that we could pick up the radiation from it, so maybe it was just conventional, but that was one big bomb.
Republicans getting ready to ratchet up the sellout. Republicans follow Trump’s lead of icing out Zelensky
news to me. Ukranian former president 2014 - 2019, has donated $46+M in supplies. Most of it during the early months of the battle. funding a "secret" unit. Reads like someone building a special forces private army..not sure what to think, feels like a personal protection force or ??? Ukraine’s former president just donated a powerful weapon to a top-secret unit ( Poroshenko served as the President of Ukraine from June 2014 to May 2019. He was defeated in his 2019 presidential election bid by Volodymyr Zelensky and currently serves as a member of the Verkhovna Rada and is the leader of Ukraine’s European Solidarity party. “The unit is so secret that if I tell you more, two men in black will appear and erase your memory,” Poroshenko said about the systems, which were transferred at Ukraine’s Main Center for Countering Technical Intelligence of the Ukrainian General Staff according to Militaryni.
is the crimean side of the bridge in Russian territory or could it be hit with these under the current rules re: long range weapons Ukraine’s F-16s Poised to Gain Game-Changing JASSM Missiles (
From Vladimir Gateski. j/k, our own Robert Gates. Is he a traitor now to be lined up against the wall ?