“Hit me again! Hit me again!” — U.S.— The first thing to know about Western sanctions on Russia since February 2022 is that they are unprecedented. The second thing to know is that they haven’t worked … https://www.theamericanconservative.com/the-u-s-hurt-itself-with-russia-sanctions/
See, if that was the case, it would already be over. So, you know, try harder next time. Or, at least try. You guys (FSB) even suck at propaganda compared to your fathers (KGB). It's like claiming victory when it was plainly obvious to the rest of the world that Putin stepped on his dick and fell face-first into a puddle of his own vomit. "Two weeks. . . " LOL!
Apparently, it takes a long time to methodically chew your way through two million people with guns without inciting WWIII.
It isn’t an internet pissing match for the Russians. They’re better read than we are. They read their news and they read our news …
We're not trying to "win". We're trying to make sure they "don't win". Trust me, nobody wants to invade or occupy Russian territory. We just want them to go back to their hole and stay there. They need to stop flattering themselves. To quote the Grand Poobah himself, it's a "shithole".
Putin wants to attack another country (msn.com) Indications and warnings of a Russian move against Kazakhstan. That would truly baffle me. Not from a moral perspective, of course. I just don't understand why Russia would think putting more on its plate at this time would be a good idea. I see no upside whatsoever.
He does seem to want to project the idea that Russia is so powerful that they could easily carry on several military actions at once. It seems to be part of his intimidation campaign against the west. Russia and China have been conducting joint military drills off of Alaska recently. There is no indication that this is a smart thing to do, unless it reduces Americans into a quivering mass of Trump-loving jelly with the fright of imminent military action. You have to remember that Putin knows very little about all things military, or all things economic. He knows about threats and intimidation. Domestically, they almost always work. It is probably baffling to him why they don't work beyond his borders.
Before and after pictures of the munitions depots. These before-and-after satellite images capture how Ukraine has been wiping out Russian ammo depots Surprised only a couple of railcars got damaged. I would guess that the track under that railcar needs to be replaced.
The second depot just looks like steel buildings with berms between them. That wouldn’t provide protection from drones. Up to now Russia has been relying on distance from the front apparently.
Russians better read?!?! Thank goodness there’s freedoms of the press on Russia, where anyone can write the truth, no matter how painful the truth may be to the State and its Premier. Oh, wait …
What did you not understand about their reading our news too ? On balance, Russians are no more censored than Americans are. Even now whole YouTube channels offering off-narrative perspectives on the war are being taken down absent warnings.
I would assume that naval weapons would be less likely, especially for the Toropets facility, which is nowhere near the sea. Besides, I think that most of Russia's naval weapons were on board ships as they were sent to the bottom of the Black Sea.