Machine guns or fully automatic weapons are a whole nother thing.. I own 3 guns, I believe in the 2nd amendment but I am not a gun nut.
And he would also like to follow Maduro's playbook should he lose the election not unlike that he did and fortunately failed on January 6, 2021 although obviously the script will be different this time since he doesn't have the power of a defeated incumbent.
Violent crime is down significantly according to FBI review of 94% of states, even more so among immigrants. But one can always cherry-pick.
They look LONG and HARD. The term I like to use (for weirdos like this on both sides) is Outrage Angler.
I'm not sure this even qualifies as cherry picking. Just some grifter grifting to the outrage anglers. And, look? They not only took the bait, they swallowed the hook too!!!
Not sure why the focus has shifted to exclusively cats. Certainly dogs present a better pound-for-pound return on fresh meat.