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Weird GOP: Haitians are eating your pets

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by citygator, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. SotaGator

    SotaGator All American

    Apr 4, 2014
    There are multiple local & state news sources out of Charleroi DISPUTING the negative comments by TFG and right-wing sites.
    It's amazing that you can spend hours on a message board but fail to take 10 to 15 minutes to hear what the local reporting says, that Charleroi's immigrants are responsible, hard-working, respectful people. They are buying houses and starting businesses, helping to revive a dying town.
    Facts matter.
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  2. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
    It went viral

  3. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
    If business owners want to replace American workers with Haitians they should move their businesses to Haiti, perhsps?
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  4. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    I have no idea why they keep letting this nasty nutbag post here.
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  5. SotaGator

    SotaGator All American

    Apr 4, 2014
    Sure. Too bad the few dozen locals didn't want to work $13 / hr jobs at the local food processing plant. Too bad so many were leaving town for higher wage jobs elsewhere. Too bad a town of approx 2000 people welcomed an influx of new residents to build it back up.

    Flippant much?
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  6. murphree_hall

    murphree_hall GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 11, 2019
    That town was on the decline with abandoned rundown houses and buildings. Now that the immigrants are reviving it and making it relevant, people are acting like it was a booming model city previously.
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  7. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
    When you bring in cheap Haitian labor wages for blue collar Americans is depressed. Pollution increases. The CO² footprint of the immigrants increases. The national debt will increase. The 2000 immigrants will become US citizens as fast as the Dems can make it happen and they will bring in roughly 5000 of their relatives. The 5000 will become US citizens and bring in 12 500 of their family members (these numbers presume the Haitians will bring in 2.5 family members on average. Given the desperate state of Haiti the real numbers might be much higher. If the number is 6 and not 2.5, 2000 bring in 10 000 and 20,000 bring in 50 000. One South Asian lady brought in 90 members of her extended family for context).

    The US needs to get its population below 300 million to thrive, prosper and protect our natural resources.

    The Democrats would like to take the 40 million illegals who are already here and make them citizens as fast as possible
    citizens. The 40 million new citizens will bring in 100 million family members. When the 100 million become citizens they will bring in 250 million

    If Americans don't want to work $13 ,jobs maybe it's because they're getting too much in gov't freebies.


    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. SotaGator

    SotaGator All American

    Apr 4, 2014
    So, you'd like to quickly reduce the U.S. working population that contributes $$ to fed -state-local budgets, funds Social Security, Medicare-Medicaid, and all other government programs AND EVERYTHING WILL BE PEACHY KEEN?
  9. mountaineerpatriot

    mountaineerpatriot Sophomore

    Sep 14, 2024
    VegasFox you seem like one of the few reasonable people on here, the reality is these other people don't care. Notice how these Haitians never go to Hispanic or Black areas, only predominately White areas. It's almost like it's part of the greater plan to exterminate Whites from the U.S. and even the entire planet.

    And yet they want to try to actual convince us that white replacement isn't happening here in our communities and the U.S. as a while. Their goal is to have whites exterminated (or enslaved) around the world in the next 200 years.
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  10. mountaineerpatriot

    mountaineerpatriot Sophomore

    Sep 14, 2024
    I would rather see a town die a dignified death than to have its very foundation, its very culture changed and turned into a completely different community. Immigrants will always change the very culture and foundation of these communities. They immigrate just better make sure they stay out of West Virginia and the communities near and dear to me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. mountaineerpatriot

    mountaineerpatriot Sophomore

    Sep 14, 2024
    I'll be very clear and direct to you. I am a newer poster here since I've been looking for a good place to debate politics before the 2024 Election. I absolutely have no clue who this OrlandoIncel88 person even is. I'm assuming a former poster. I can 100% guarantee you I have no connection to that poster and honestly have never even heard of them until you brought it up.
    • Funny Funny x 6
  12. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Your premise is false. Labor is not a zero sum game. The more people working in a community, the more jobs are created. And in general, while the immigrants work the minimum wage jobs, it opens up better paying jobs for the citizens.

    Throughout American history, whenever there have been mass deportations, it meant job losses and wage decreases for citizens. Because when a significant percentage of your population leaves, it creates less demand in stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc. This translates into less jobs, and the only jobs left are the low paying jobs the immigrants were formerly working.
  13. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    You are aware that a large number of Italian immigrants moved to West Virginia in the early part of the 20th Century to work in the coal mines and that they were actually recruited by the state not unlike the way Springfield, Ohio tried to attract immigrants including Haitians? They undoubtedly changed the Appalachian culture of the state. You think they should have been discouraged from moving from the cities on the East Coast to your current state of residence.
    Did you know about West Virginia's deep Italian heritage?
    In the early 1900s, there was an influx of Italian immigrants making their way to West Virginia. Many of them were escaping conditions in the sulfur mining industry. They came from many different regions of Italy, but most of the immigrants hailed from the southern regions of Campania, Calabria, and Sicily. The immigrant population spread predominantly across seven regions of the state: Marion County, Harrison County, Tucker County, Randolph County, Preston County, Monongalia County, and McDowell County. Most of the immigrants quickly found work in West Virginia’s booming coal industry as miners. They relied on hard work and determination, and quickly gained economic progress and acceptance in the Mountain State.

    Coal Miners
    The coal industry required more labor than southern West Virginia could supply. Coal operators enticed workers—many African American—to move to West Virginia from Virginia and the Deep South. During the first three decades of the 20th century, African Americans comprised about 25 percent of all southern West Virginia miners. Coal companies also recruited in Europe. In 1907, West Virginia appointed John Nugent as superintendent of immigration. His salary was paid entirely by coal companies. By 1910, more Italian immigrants lived in McDowell County than anywhere else in the state. Immigrants in southern West Virginia comprised some 25 nationalities, including Italians, Hungarians, Poles, Austrians and Russians. Ukrainian immigrant Nick Gurski began working in the Boone County coal mines in the 1920s. Eventually, his sons and grandsons also worked in the mines. Meanwhile, his wife Mary operated the Nellis boarding house for foreign-born miners.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
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  14. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
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  15. mountaineerpatriot

    mountaineerpatriot Sophomore

    Sep 14, 2024
    I am very well aware of this so don't even try to lecture me on West Virginia. I grew up in Marion County (Farimont specifically, just a town over from where Nick Saban grew up in Monongah, site of a major mining disaster that killed Americans and Italians.) and know all about the local culture. My dad's side of my family (specifically my grandmother) had the Italian influence. My great grandmother mostly only spoke Italian. There's a reason the Pepperoni Roll is still popular in Northern West Virginia. But the Italians did assimilate unlike the Haitians. My dad and his 2 brothers were all given American names that had no semblance of anything Italian to help with integration. Haitians would never do something like that. The situations are not the same.
  16. mountaineerpatriot

    mountaineerpatriot Sophomore

    Sep 14, 2024
    I don't really know you, I've just noticed you seem to be a more provocative poster. So let me respond to you in kind with your "I don't believe you" gif with my own.
  17. murphree_hall

    murphree_hall GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 11, 2019
    Plot twist… you are a Native American and we all completely misunderstood your comments about immigrants destroying existing culture.
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  18. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011

    LOL so this isn’t you? Sure sounds pretty similar.

    “And yes I have personal experience with the Haitians. I worked Human Resources for a major hospitality company in Florida for over 7 years and regularly had to deal with the Haitians. Everything was a hassle with them and they wouldn't lift a finger more than they had to. They wanted you to do everything for them. I volunteered to teach many of them how to use things like the Company intranet and different software programs but they didn't care. They would argue they couldn't understand technology but were then more than willing to let you do their work for them while they would then play around with their iPhone. The Haitian housekeepers would all stop by my office on Thursday afternoons because they didn't want to get direct deposit and they were always rude andimpatient. with me getting them their paper paychecks. Worsethan all that though they were completely ungrateful. It's a big reason I have a problem withmass immigration.

    Incoming Haitian Invasion Into Florida? DeSantis Needs To Be Prepared.
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  19. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    You’re so incredibly bad at this. But I do love how you make up a fake backstory for all your absurd personas.

    Nothing mentally ill about your behavior at all.
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  20. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    The assimilation argument is b*ll sh*t. You're comparing the decedents of Italian immigrants with immigrants that have been in this country a short period of time and even those persons are gradually assimilating. You actually admitted that your great grandmother hadn't assimilated to a significant extent. Assimilation is a gradual process and even second generation immigrants still retain some of their original cultural while assimilating into the American culture. The cartoon below illustrates how nativist Americans felt about Italian immigrants in the early part of the last century. Reminds me a lot of the way Trump and his MAGA followers are stereotyping immigrants of color from third world countries.

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