The Georgia election board voted 3-2, with 3 Trump allies voting in support, to apparently forego computer tallies and just go straight to a hand count on election night. This runs against Georgia State law on handling and counting ballots. There was also bipartisan opposition to this. The obvious problem is workers getting their hands on the ballots before we have an unbiased computer tally, possibly chaotic race to count ballots, and warnings that this will substantially delay the Georgia results. Will be interesting to see if this gets overturned by courts. I 100% suspect that is an effort to stall the results if they are not favorable to Trump, and cast doubt on their validity. Once the smaller Trump counties have results in, and Trump is ahead, we will most certainly start hearing calls to “stop the count” before Atlanta is done. Then we’ll get all kinds of accusations of irregularities in how the hand count was done… if Trump loses Georgia….
This is just stupid. We already know hand counts are not as accurate (or fast) as computer tallies. Smells of bad intent. Hope Mark Elias can put a stop to this
It's truly unbelievable how far many - NOT ALL - members of the GOP have sunk due to their baseless belief the last election was not valid. Have they no respect for our traditions? Indeed, have they no conscience?
Maga is losing. Trump lost in 2020 and Repubs somehow lost the senate in 2022, because of maga-crazy. The only way they can win is to gum up or miscount the votes, or attempts at violence (Jan 6th).
Another action from MAGA officials that is clearly not intended to benefit our populace. If even legal. But we are to refrain from considering support for this support for dishonesty and lack of integrity, if not criminality? I don't think so.
Accuracy isn't the goal. If they believe Harris has won, the count can be stalled to finish beyond the state certification deadline denying her those electoral votes.
This is f$&king ignorant. I have been working the polls since the 2020 when all the maga hate rhetoric scared off so many poll workers. It's already accurate, idiot maga just can't deal with getting their ass kicked. My fourteen hour work days will go to 16+ due to these morons and it is all because of a bunch of snowflakes.
Update on this one ... blocked by court... Georgia's controversial hand count rule blocked by judge: 'Too much, too late' (
Weird how you even still peddle Trumpy lies and conspiracy theories. Why is that? Is that what happens when someone suports a rapist?