And yet you support a candidate who has praised a former KGB colonel who referred to the collapse of the Soviet Union as a great geopolitical tragedy. Putin: Soviet collapse a 'genuine tragedy'
As many real experts have said for years (Stephen F Cohen for example) the tragedy Putin referred to was that Russians got trapped in several different countrie. . One of those countries was Ukraine. When Ukraine started shelling the Russian speakers in the Donna's it started a war. A tragedy.
The more rational interpretation of Putin's categorization of the collapse of the Soviet Union taken together with his praise of old Czarist Russian Empire is that Vladimir considered it tragedy based on the loss of territory no longer under Russian control or even influence. Restoration of empire is the endgame for Russia’s Vladimir Putin Putin’s history lecture reveals his dreams of a new Russian Empire
The messages Ritter was sent are on the cellphone the FBI took from him a few weeks ago. Generally speaking, I suspect the people criticizing me here are not very logical. Math is not likely their strong point. Maybe they've been brainwashed to hate Russia/Putin. Maybe they're the mind-numbed robots Rush Limbaugh used to joke about. The person who most sees things my way (I think) is a professional day trader who can't afford to have his brain stuck his butt.
The real experts who would agree with what I posted: Jacques Bsad (Switzerland) Glenn Diesden (Norway), Greg Copley (Australia, Washington DC,/Alexandria, Andrei Martyanov (Russian military expert) Pepe Escobar (the great Eurasian expert/journalist @realpepeescobar on X), The Duran w/Alexander Mercouris (#1 foreign policy podcast in the world), John Mearsheimer (Univ of Chicago), Stephen F Cohen RIP (professor emeritus of Russian studies, NYU, Princeton), and the great one himself, Robert Barnes The crème de la crème of geopolitical analysts and strategic thinkers Chemgator prefers AP, Reuters, Yahoo News and the neocon think tank the ISW. I suppose some of you listen to the NYT (notoriously influenced by neocons at the State Dept) CNN and the WaPo (CIA influenced) and so on. The Deep State has many or most of you brainwashed. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Cool. You stick with Ritter, I'll stick with McMaster, Kotkin and a host of others who ACTUALLY know what they're talking about and aren't spewing hearsay nonsense. You're literally the only fucking person saying this outside of complete Russian hacks like Ritter. Let me guess, you'll be quoting "The Duran" next.
Stephen Kotkin will forget more about Russia in the next 30 seconds than your entire cadre will ever know.
Oh, you forgot Jeffrey "Shock Treatment" Sachs. You know, the guy who collapsed the Russian economy and tilled the soil for Putin's rise. He's a BIG member of team Putin Shill. Surprised you left him out since he and Mearsheimer are attached at the hip these days.
My degree was in Computer Science and my minor was Mathematics. Don’t think I’ve criticized you but can logically understand why it would happen.
So you linked to the Atlantic Council to explain a Putin speech? The AC is a notorious warmongering neocon think tank chock full of ex-US Deep State operatives. Putin became president in 2000. He wanted peace. He wanted to join NATO. He wanted to be our friend John Mearsheimer and Stephen F Cohen warned that the US was dragging Ukraine into a tragic war with Russia (after Obama overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine) The Biden administration wanted war in Ukraine. They could have prevented it with 1 phone call before the war started ("Stop the artillery shelling of ethnic Russians in the Donbas, honor the ceasefire agreement you signed, or the US will cut off the arms and cash we're now sending you"). In March 2022 a ceasefire agreement was ready to be signed by Zelensky and Putin. As predicted, Biden wanted war so he sent Boris Johnson to tell Z not to sign. It was the US and NATO that wanted war.
I had a friend tell me last night that the guy was a plant by the trumph campaign to keep the martyr label on him. So there is crazy on both sides.