I was going to say Asians, but figured that was too racist. I'm ok with sexist, but racist is just too far. DWA is nothing to laugh about.
Hey, socialism is cool with me if it gets your vote! Pretty soon he'll be offering to bring a home cooked casserole to your house for a vote. Desperate.
pay it off every month and you don't have to worry about the interest rate. what business doesn't charge a late fee? should they be expected to carry your debt longer than you agreed to?
@ETGator1 Hey ET! Long time listener first time caller. Please explain how this isn’t socialism. I’ll hang up and listen. Thanks!
Much more Command Economy than socialism. The polar opposite of free market. Other countries that have Command Economies include the likes of Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea. That's who Trump wants to emulate.
They should be an encouragement to do that, not a critical revenue stream. They were trying to cap them not eliminate them.
In his defense he's desperate and just saying whatever random shit comes to his feeble mind. Wealth Fund, tax free tips, price controls for credit cards. Hes just spewing anything he can think of in hopes it gets him votes somehow. Socialism, Communism, it doesn't matter anymore
there is an encouragement, no interest for 30 days, get to use their money for free and have a single convenient bill. Another big upside is one of my side hustles, churning credit cards for bonuses. Just picked up my third amex biz gold in 6 months, total of over 550k amex points earned and transferred with a 30% bonus to avios points to get nearly 725k avios points/miles. that translates into 5 roundtrip tickets to Europe in business class when booked as saver awards. Haven't bought a plane ticket in 20 years thanks to those types of bonuses and wife and I always fly up front on anything over 5 hours. 5 nights in Paris, 4 nights in London, plane tickets for 4 for upcoming trip in December all covered with points. Pay some taxes on the flights and that's it. All tax free and with spend I would be making any way
If any credit cards remain. Dumb economic joke: In a town is threatened by a hurricane, a man goes to the hardware store looking for a generator. Outraged by the $1,000 price tag, he complains to the owner. The owner tells him, “You can go across the street. They are selling them for $500.” The man replies, “I did, but they are sold out.”
I don’t think I commented on that thread, but my take would have been a negative one. The same applies here. A cap of 10% is a sure fire way to eliminate credit options for the less well off.