It’s amazing how all Republicans only seem to be able to express one stupid economic idea… tax cuts are the solution to everything. Trump has proposed adding $5.8 TRILLION in federal spending, and Mike Johnson is like “sure, some tax cuts ought to cover that,”…. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday said former President Donald Trump could pay for his presidential campaign’s economic proposals by rolling back corporate regulation and expanding tax cuts to stimulate growth. Republican House speaker floats deregulation and tax cuts — not tariffs — to pay for Trump proposals
Can't wait to hear those "conservatives" who complain about the deficit when a Dem is president do their usual perfect impersonation of a bunch of crickets for this $5.8T mammoth fiasco that would undoubtedly get a rubber stamp from Republicans.
I don't think its either (because I dont think they even believe it, and only Democrats need to be concerned with deficits), they are just playing the hits like a washed-up band on the casino circuit, yeah a few drunks will hoot when the opening riff hits, and the 60 year old woman will flash her boobs, but its just going through the motions at this point, and everyone else is just rolling their eyes. Even around here, few break out old chestnuts like the Laffer Curve or even try to make some kind of Econ 101 argument.
No, they know what they are doing. It's their voting base of morons that doesn't understand that tariffs are consumer taxes.
A lot has changed in about 20 years. When I was studying economics at UF trickle down and/or supply side was taught to me as a legitimate economic policy that worked. Most every study I've seen since indicates the opposite. I wonder what they teach about it now. @docspor ?
Eh? That article has direct quotes from Mike Johnson, Republican House Speaker, loyal Trump lap dog, and true believer that the Christian God saves rapist, criminals like Trump from bullets, while allowing children to die everyday. Weird, huh?