He appeared in two of the great baseball movies: The Sandlot and Field of Dreams. Both are classics. Added in edit: I totally forgot that he was in Bingo Long Travelling All-Stars and Motor Kings.
I was fortunate enough to visit the Field of Dreams years ago. Most remember his "they will come" speech, I most remember "Moonlight Graham" in Boston.
The last few years I've posted this clip on opening day of Gator baseball. It's never felt as meaningful until now....
"What about Major Kong?" That was his last line in his first movie role. I thought about linking "Luke, I am your father." But I'll leave that for someone else. The American Film Institute ranked Vader as the #3 alltime villian (Behind Hannibel Lechter and Norman Bates) in its 100 Heroes and Villians list. He had important roles in these great movies- including nearly all of the Star Wars movies and series- and improved just about every movie that had him in its cast.