This guy and dead Animals… what the hell is wrong with him? This is how the late great Dexter got his start. “… when she was 6, her father used a chainsaw to cut the head off a dead whale that had washed ashore and bungee-corded it to the family's car during their drive home. RFK Jr. says he is being investigated for collecting whale specimen
On the other hand he does have a thing for road kill. Street food: Robert F Kennedy Jr boasts of ‘a freezer full of roadkill’
This story is old right? I read about this a month or two ago. Well before this psycho killer dropped out and endorsed Trump.
The incident is old, and it did get reported on about a month ago, but this bit about him being investigated about it is new.
Although it's an old story it's still reflective of his psychological profile. In other words the guy was and is still a nutcake and has probably actually deteriorated even further since the whale incident.
NOAA confirms the investigation…
What is this country coming to when a man can't chainsaw off a whale's head, tie it to the roof of his car and drip whale juice all over his kids on the way home? There's gotta be an Amendment that covers that or there damn well should be.
Colorado issues permits for road kill. I was talking to a bartender in Breck years ago who had just moved to the area. He'd hit a moose S. of Breck near Hoosier pass. The 1st person he told, said where is it? He went back & someone had already gotten it. I'd speed up to hit an Elk.