Sasse - no need for an explanation Richard Corchoran - Base salary was double that of their replacement and is one of the highest paid University Presidents in the state at a school of less than 800 with a package of $1.3 million. Taryn Fenske - Paid $15,000/month to do promos for New College Gilzean - Was drawing money from Reedy Creek and Orange county elections. At one point was drawing in $20k/month from Disney Ladapo - Makes $300k at UF by doing nothing while also drawing a check as Surgeon General Stoops - Paid $100k to reach out to conservative school board members Several lawyers to which I don't remember their names but each is at $500/hour +
Picture a thing you dislike and disagree with fundamentally and your entire ecosystem and network around you essentially encourages graft and cronyism, and then you are put in charge of that thing thanks to said network, is your time going to be spent doing actual work? They are just applying private sector principles to governance ... looting the thing before it fails from their own chicanery.