He will make the decision. He will probably be pressured by big money donors, but he could tell them no as well. I do doubt he’d tell them no.
Big money guys just say fine don’t call us for cash until he’s gone. Enough of them do it and he’s gone. If SS bucks it too much he’s gone too and he knows that. SS doesn’t have the golden parachute either.
By all accounts BN is a good guy, who is in way over his head. He would probably be a great #2 on a staff. But hey, he is filthy rich, so there is really no reason to feel sorry for him. The only problem I see is it is still to early to let him go. The season will probably be even worse without him at this point. Our recruiting class will get hammered, until we name a top flight coach. He will probably be let go around the last two games of the season.
ESPN is reporting that boosters have rounded up the money for the buyout. SS must go as well. He is turning us into Mississippi State.
The fact he said we promised DJ and Mertz they would alternate regardless of outcome tells you he doesn’t care about winning. There was a slim chance down 13 with 3:41 to come back but he put DJ in and he throws a pick. Obviously he’s not driven by analytics because it would have told him Mertz had way better numbers.