Lol, gotta love MAGA logic. Your boy got 5 more minutes of speaking time than Harris total AND got the chance to rebut every Harris response AND was suppose to have his mic muted whenever he wasn’t speaking (didn’t happen), but sure, “3 on 1!” because the moderators dared to do their job and fact check his many lies, lmao. You know why Harris didn’t get the same treatment? Because she’s not a pathological liar like your candidate. You guys are beyond delusional.
She probably doesn't. But it looks better for narrative purposes if she says she wants one and Trump ducks it.
Agree. While she will probably eviscerate him again there's always the possibility albeit very remote that Trump would actually demonstrate disciple and stick to real issues and/or that Harris would commit a serious faux pas; unlikely but possible.
Highly unlikely. She's an accomplished prosecutor who knows how to push Trump's buttons. He's a narcissist who can't resist when prodded, especially by a minority woman. Team Trump knows he'll bite on any trap or bait she sets, and then the unhinged old man comes out.
Debates don't have to change minds. It's the undecided voters who are most influenced by debates. Post-debate numbers aren't in yet but early indications suggest a little bump for Harris.
A "little bump" doesn't win it for her and then she'd have to maintain that "little bump" for almost two months. Trump is playing it right not to debate again. He won on the economy, which is the people's single largest issue. Even ones who answer abortion is their main issue, it's really the economy for most of them. You can't just drive to another state if the economy goes south.
He doesn't need to debate the networks again. He's had enough of the cheating 3 on one debates. He needs to see his people cheering him on...
Harris was defeated so badly in the debate that she currently has a five-point lead on Donald Trump in the polls. How humiliating for her. How can she face herself in the mirror every morning? But don't you Trump fans worry--Trump still polls higher with the mentally-disturbed and the psychotic sociopaths. New Yahoo News/YouGov poll: After debate, Harris surges to 5-point lead over Trump among registered voters in head-to-head matchup
See my post now dropped to page 2 about Kamrade Kamala's fiasco of a first TV interview yesterday. As of this morning, 63 look ins and no responses of her unedited interview. Lefties here don't want to see or know the truth about who they are voting for.
Lefties (and intelligent righties like myself) know too much about the person they are voting against. Harris could have a fiasco of a TV interview every day from now until the election, and I will still vote for her over the insurrectionist-rapist-tax cheat. Any questions?
She could have dropped her pantsuit in the middle of the interview and pissed on the floor and I’d still crawl over broken glass to vote against the orange turd.
I can only assume the popular right wing sites like Storm Front are on fire about whatever this local interview was but nothing read by sane people is saying a word about it. Meanwhile, Orange McIdiot stared out at the Pacific Ocean yesterday and talked about how he could see Hawaii from California.