That's some nice attempted spin, but there is only one candidate fully chickening out of a second debate after getting his ass handed to him by a younger and smarter lady.
Again, it would be Trump's 3rd debate. Fact is Kamrade Kamala refused Fox, not Trump. There is no way you can falsely spin Chris Coons would recommend Kamala accept a Fox News invitation as she has already rejected a Fox News invitation.
LOL! You’re citing Breitbart as a source again? Trump got his ass absolutely handed to him, probably the biggest debate blowout in recent memory - no wonder he is running from the second debate like a wussy to avoid further embarrassment . Such a strong alpha male he is!
Well. It was only a matter of time. 1995 Gators Announce They Do Not Want A Rematch With Nebraska - We Won.
Why would anyone do a debate at this point? The debates aren’t changing anyone’s minds and zero policies are outlined by either candidate. I heard nothing of substance from either at the debate this week. It’s a waste of prime time TV slots as far as I’m concerned.
Trump lost the handshake and went downhill from there. It's always fun to watch Trump being publicly humiliated, especially by a woman.
Because it wasn't enough to put her over and I suspect two weeks from now, polls will look almost identical to what they were pre-debate. At the end of the day, it's still Kamala. The same person the Dems wanted to boot off the ticket 3 months ago.
This is true. The debate Tuesday night was supposed to be debate 3 of 3. If she was afraid of Trump not showing Tuesday night, wasn't Trump assuming the same risk? You can't have it both ways.
I agree. I agree. I’m glad we don’t have to hear them anymore; we have heard enough. If anyone needs another debate to make their decision, they need to just make a choice or sit it out. Personally, I’m glad that America got to see Trump do Trump on the last big stage before the vote. Kamala had the best possible outcome from the debate, there is no reason for her to do it again and risk a different result. Trump? He is far better speaking to “his people” where they believe him without regard to whether it’s true. November can’t come fast enough.
It was never “scheduled,” Trump threatened to pull out of the ABC debate if he didn’t get his yes-men moderators and a room full of MAGAs. Harris’ group wisely declined.
Anybody who has to cry over sources has already lost. It took 3 on 1 to make it a fair fight against Trump. You should be proud of your candidate who had every ABC biased advantage just to get through 90 minutes. She won't get that on Fox and she won't ask for a debate on Fox as Trump would take her up on it if she did, par for the course for Kamrade Khicken Kamala. Bawk! Bawk! Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Kamala being chicken is a pretty interesting take on a thread you started about how Trump won't do another debate.
The funny thing is. . . HE NEEDS IT! On the flip side, is this some kind of electoral/mental Ju Jitsu? Unless you think he's completely lost his mind (which is very possible), he would clearly do better in a second debate. How could you do any worse?