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DeSantis demands Republicans publicly oppose amendment to add abortion rights to Florida Constitutio

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by G8tas, Sep 9, 2024.

  1. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    LOL. More proof that the anti-abortion movement is lying when they claim that abortion is murder. "We will agree to the murder of babies for 15 weeks, but not one second more!" Or wait, is it not the murder of babies until after week 15?
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  2. swampbabe

    swampbabe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Viera, FL
    I remember when JFK had to prove that his allegiance wasn’t to the Vatican
  3. ajoseph

    ajoseph Premium Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    They vehemently oppose DEI, but fight with all their might for the continuity of nepotism and cronyism.
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  4. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    DEI means people asking questions. Good old boys don’t like people asking questions.
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    PITBOSS GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 13, 2007

    There were record number of abortions last year. Repubs are backing away from it hence why they didn’t talk about it. For a potus, leaving it to the states isn’t pro life.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
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  6. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    Also occurs to me that the Electoral College is basically DEI/affirmative action for rural people. Good when you can get it.
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  7. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    The all or nothing attitude gets us nowhere. A 16 week limit should satisfy most people (could be talked into lower but no lower than 12). Then, the only exception after that is the health of the mother (DECIDED BY THE MOTHER AND HER DOCTOR). Rape or incest would know if they are pregnant by then and could be within the 16 weeks.
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  8. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    How about being pro freedom? let women make all decisions about their bodies. If men are antiabortion they can choose never to have vaginal sex. A man gets to choose whether or not to have penetrative sex after that he is out of it.
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  9. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    How many 3rd trimester abortions that weren’t to preserve the life of the mother or because the fetus was non viable do you think happened?
  10. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Up to the 15th week. Newer studies reveal babies feel pain starting at 15 weeks and maybe sooner.

    Health of the mother has to be defined. My view is the possible death of the mother should be the only exception. Changing conditions not medically related to the possible death of the mother should not be allowed for aborting a pregnancy, you name the conditions. Just because the mother and doctor agree does not make it right to kill the baby. If a changed mind on wanting the baby exists, deliver the baby and turn over to the state in which born for adoption.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
  11. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Because unborn babies are defenseless and need their rights protected.
  12. GatorJMDZ

    GatorJMDZ gatorjack VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    BS. You are willing to compromise in what you believe is wrong because it helps Trump with women and independents. You have a very fluid, flexible and negotiable set of beliefs. Moral people don't compromise on murder. If you (incorrectly) believe abortion is murder, it's no less murder at 15 or 20 weeks than it is at 24 weeks (viability) which is what Amendment 4 is seeking to impose. It's also no less radical. You've been lied to before so many times you actually believe Dem women are lined up to have abortions the day before their due dates or, even more hilarious from a shear gullibility viewpoint, some time AFTER they give birth. While there were some strong candidates for that procedure, it was a figment of some very twisted minds.

    Or, perhaps you are just unfamiliar with the gestation of Earth women.
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  13. GatorJMDZ

    GatorJMDZ gatorjack VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    LOL, as usual, you TOTALLY misunderstood their position.
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  14. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Tell us their position at the time.....
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
  15. ETGator1

    ETGator1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    All abortion is murder to me, but people like me have to attempt to get along with people like you.

    When the dem senators killed 2 federal bills at 20 weeks with carve outs for rape, incest, and possibility of the woman dying. I gave up all hope for a compromise.

    The SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade opened things back up, but it is all or nothing with democrats. That is not where the American people are. They want abortion with reasonable restrictions. In case you missed it, that's called compromising, still murder of babies, but compromising.

    Advance to Florida Constitution Amendment 4, it is the same ole, same ole. The democrats want all or nothing. Since late July, support for the amendment has fallen from 66% to 55%. With the push by the pro-life movement, I expect the vote to be closer to 50:50, not enough to pass.

    Abortion is the only policy the democrats are on solid ground with possibly a majority of the American people. Kamala Harris will lie about Trump's abortion position tonight and push hard on unlimited abortion paid for by the federal government, well, if she doesn't lie about her position tonight too.

    I only put this poll here to show where the American people stand on abortion:

    Poll: Harris narrowly leads Trump, but he’s ahead with these key groups | PBS News

    As Harris has centered issues of reproductive freedom in her campaign, voters continue to give the vice president the lead over Trump on abortion. Fifty-six percent of voters say she’d better handle the issue, compared to 42 percent who felt the same about Trump, unchanged from a month ago.


    It's interesting that 56% think democrats can do a better job on abortion. This number nationally is in line with the 55% Florida support posted by mrhansduck in post #59 from the current Emerson College Poll.

    September State Polling: California, Florida, Ohio, Texas - Emerson Polling (emersoncollegepolling.com)

    Regarding the Florida ballot measure to provide a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability, 55% would vote “yes” in support, 26% plan to vote “no”, and 20% are unsure.
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  16. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    So it's essentially your position that an abortion doesn't become medically necessary until the woman is literally on death's door even if there is little or no chance that the fetus would survive. You apparently implicitly believe than a prosecuting attorney with no medical expertise should be able to second guess a doctor who has the training and experience to assess whether a continued pregnancy could jeopardize the health or life of the mother.
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  17. FutureGatorMom

    FutureGatorMom Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It's not even an abortion, they induce labor and deliver the fetus. The baby dies in the mother's arms because there is nothing they can do. Case in point from a mom who lost her first born:

    4.5 years ago, I gave birth to my first born. Her name was Embree Eleanor Grammer. She was born via c-section on April 25, 2016. She weighed 4lbs 4oz. She was only 25 weeks gestation. She lived for approximately 20-30 minutes. She was born with a tumor that was roughly the size of a volleyball that was invading her body both externally and internally. It was sucking her blood supply, pushing her organs out of place, deforming her body, and overworking her heart. We found out about the tumor only 5 weeks prior. In that 5 weeks the tumor grew from about the size of a walnut to the volleyball. I grew along with it, from the tiny bump of a first time mom at 20 weeks to measuring the same as a pregnant woman who was roughly 36 weeks along. In 5 weeks.

    That's just an excerpt from her story obviously, but this was before Roe was overturned. I wonder what she would have to do today to stay alive. Her body was starting to mirror the fetus condition and it would have killed her had she gone farther.
  18. danmanne65

    danmanne65 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 2, 2022
    The anti choice crowd has always lied about this issue. They lie about when abortions happen, how old the fetuses are and how developed the fetuses are. If you are really taking the moral high ground shouldn’t you try telling the truth.
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  19. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Roe v. Wade WAS the compromise.