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Parking questions ...

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by UFGator05, Sep 9, 2024.

  1. UFGator05

    UFGator05 GC Legend

    Dec 12, 2009
    Apologies in advance if I'm asking in the wrong forum, but does anyone have any parking suggestions for the game Saturday? I saw on Facebook that Gainesville PD is being difficult again (surprise) and roping off lots of grass areas not allowing parking around campus. I will be traveling with two younger kids so parking is a concern for me. Thank you in advance and Go Gators!
  2. LakeGator

    LakeGator Mostly Harmless Moderator

    Apr 3, 2007
    Temple Terrace
    The city and university have been reducing parking each year for the last ten years or so. Apparently, the parking restrictions for the Samford game were either an error or rescinded. The reports seem to indicate the parking will not be as restrictive as they were last Saturday.

    You can get the official parking information at FloridaGators.com, including a downloadable map showing parking locations.

    In the good old days, we would park on SW 16th street but the parking spaces were replaced by a bike lane 10 years back. My favorite place is the parking garage on the southeast corner of Archer and Gale Lemerand. You can pay to ride a bus from there to the stadium or make the mile long walk to the stadium.

    If you are not going to tailgate you can also consider taking a shuttle which can make your exit a bit easier. There is information on this on the web page linked above.

    Hope you and your kids have a fun visit!
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  3. maxgator

    maxgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Someone mentioned on the Steve Russell show today that they received an email and that the parking restrictions for grass and curbs was going to be delayed and implemented next year.

    I just can't fathom why they would want to do something so stupid as that. I mean are they going to include the education school as well??

    You want to have a good pregame environment, you want people to buy tickets to come to the games, let them park the same way that they've been parking for way longer than the 40 years I've been attending games.
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  4. hhpgator

    hhpgator Guest

    This weekend we parked along SW 2nd Ave., the road with Levin School of Law with no issues. Maybe a 13 minute walk to the stadium from there.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  5. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    That’s where I usually park. Walking out and not being stuck in traffic after the game is a plus.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. UFGator05

    UFGator05 GC Legend

    Dec 12, 2009
    Thank you all I truly appreciate it
  7. 2oldgator

    2oldgator GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 14, 2021
    Dunnellon fl
    I usually park at the garage at SE Dale Lemmorand and Archer but the garage 1 1/2 blocks north of there on East side of Dale Lemmorand (almost adjacent to water treatment facility) is also open to public. A little closer but last two times we parked there it filled up pretty quick.
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  8. archigator_96

    archigator_96 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2020
    Usually park in someone's yard pretty close. If not, there is usually some good parking in a real space down by the innovation hub east of campus. Little farther walk though.
  9. G8R92

    G8R92 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 5, 2010
    Is there a bus or shuttle that runs from that garage at Archer and Gale Lemerand?

    I found a garage at Celebration, where we'll be having lunch, but the shuttle is $20/person. That's a little steep for 6 of us...
  10. LakeGator

    LakeGator Mostly Harmless Moderator

    Apr 3, 2007
    Temple Terrace
    As @2oldgator mentions, the earlier you get near campus, the better your selection of places. That is pretty much obvious, but some folks seem to forget this important detail.

    Here is a nice article that gives some things to know about attending a Gator game. Something that you and your kids might enjoy is the Gator Walk from University Avenue into the stadium that will occur at 1 PM (2.5 hours before kickoff).
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. LakeGator

    LakeGator Mostly Harmless Moderator

    Apr 3, 2007
    Temple Terrace
    As I posted above, there is a bus from that location. The cost used to be $10 per person but it has been several years since I took it.

    The walk is just under a mile and a decent way to get to the stadium from that garage.

    The return trip is free in that they don't check that you had paid. The busses park on Gale Lemerand just south of Stadium Road.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  12. G8R92

    G8R92 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 5, 2010
    We've parked in both garages mentioned but never took the shuttle. The walk is manageable other than holding your breath by the wastewater treatment plant. It's just so freaking hot in September in Gainesville....
  13. 2oldgator

    2oldgator GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 14, 2021
    Dunnellon fl
    We inquired about the bus at the season opener and the charge is $20.00 round trip. They give you a ticket to catch bus back.
    There are a lot of independently owned golf carts (most are modified to seat 6-10 people), going up and down Dale Lemmorand before and after the game. They don’t have set rates and rely on a tip jar for their compensation. I think most people tip $5.00 or $10.00 a head.
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  14. spike718

    spike718 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    in the link provided to gator parking on a prior post…says that lot (113) can be used by visiting teams for $30. Not sure how they know who is a visiting fan but for any of the public parking garages do they even attempt to charge you?
  15. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    They do. They were charging at one of the lots I’ve used for free for years last weekend.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. 2oldgator

    2oldgator GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 14, 2021
    Dunnellon fl
    I parked in the garage that is labeled 113 in that link provided by LakeGator many times up Until this season and no one resembling an attendant, has ever been present.
    Not sure about this year because we parked in garage 109 for Miami game and there was an attendant at entrance but she wasn’t stopping any cars entering the garage.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  17. spike718

    spike718 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    that sucks. What was the charge? $30 to park a mile away is steep.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. paidinfull

    paidinfull GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 22, 2017
    It was 30 at that particular lot. I do not know what the number on it is, just know I've parked there many, many times for free.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  19. airgator96

    airgator96 GC Legend

    May 16, 2007
    I have not been to a game since the Tebow years and we are going to the UCF game Saturday. What time should we be there if we want to park/tailgate before the game?
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  20. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    Early since we are playing ucf and a sold out game ..when we played miami..it took us an hour just to get into the parking garage on campus..
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