I like Grandma’s Boy, and you know I’m down with Bottle Rocket. What part of Mexico are you from? Paraguay.
Just rewatched Leaves of Grass. Underrated IMO. Kari Russell reciting Walt Whitman while gutting a 40 lb catfish is sublime
Strange Darling. In theaters now. Probably not long though. I'd recommend seeing without reading much about it. All you need to know is that it is basically a gritty Northwest serial killer story about a one night stand that went bad. All shot on 35MM so it is unique and stylized with quite the WTF moments.
If you all are looking for a movie about Civil Asset Forfeiture, Rebel Ridge is streaming on Netflix. Pretty solid thriller from the director of Green Room (one of my faves).
Recently rented Longlegs (2024). I enjoyed it and still thinking through it a bit. Curious what others thought of it. Longlegs (2024) ⭐ 6.8 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
People seem to either love it or hate it. When I saw it at the theater a guy who was walking out was telling everyone who would listen how bad it was. I've never seen that happen. Ultimately, I think its gonna be how you view Nic Cage's performance/character. I liked it but I'm not sure it lived up to the hype around it either. Apparently it did well at the box office though.
A friend had told me he didn't think it lived up to the hype, and I probably benefited from that tempering my expectations going into it. I forgot during the movie that it was Cage, so I have to say I think he did his job. Maybe a little over the top but certainly a creepy character.
My wife hated it with a passion. I thought it was ok. Great atmosphere but I can only take so much of horror characters investigating noises in the dark in the middle of a serial killing investigation.
I listened to an interview with the director, and his approach to serial killers was that they were sort of ridiculous, rather than master criminals. He had in mind a loser who got into Satan by listening to rock and roll music, not some criminal genius like Hannibal Lector. When the director explained his choices I think I understood what he was going for better. The first 45 minutes of the movie are really great.
We saw Beetlejuice 2 this week. Got into a hot debate with sister in law on it. I thought it was ok, she really didnt like it. It was pretty chaotic and an inch deep but a mile wide on story. Decent diversion on a rainy day but no one will be rewatching it 1,000 times like Ground Hog Day or the first Beetlejuice.
The Bridge on the River Kwai - a classic. As mentioned by @108, Whiplash was a great movie and is being re-released to theatres next month. Blazing Saddles - too stupid not to enjoy Awakenings - finest dramatical role by a fine actor Robin Williams. Such an underrated serious actor. DeNiro also excellent.
I watched that the other day and liked it, but them cops got off easy. I wish he would have opened up more of a can of whoop ass on them.
Yeah, that is probably my main criticism. Seems like movies today are afraid to be too anti-cop. Spoiler: Spoiler Alert They had to pin everything on Don Johnson and of course there was a good cop that does the right thing. And none of the cops get killed by the good guy, who is a troop
Recently saw one cut of the dead. First 37 min is a single shot done with a hand held camera & then it does a 180 & becomes diff move altogether. It’s a Japanese zombie meta movie.