It seems that in the post-Trump environment, there are simply no moral depths that Republican legislators won't sink to. Including what is essentially rape. A male aide is accusing [Republican] California State Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil of forcing him into a “sex-based quid pro quo relationship” that he claims cost him three herniated discs, a destroyed hip, and his job. ....the straw that literally broke Condit’s back was a similar scenario in which Condit claims he “suffered a back injury while performing (oral sex on Alvarado-Gil) in a car seat with his body having to twist and contort in the confined space of the car.” The pain led Condit to the doctor where he “discovered that the injury was more severe, and that (he) had suffered three herniated discs in his back and a collapsed hip.” Aisle-Jumping Politician Made Me a Traveling Sex Slave: Aide
*IF* this is true...and he really suffered all those injuries...he ain't doin' it right. Also if this dude is anything like his dad....
I’m having hard time believing a 57 year old man was bullied into being a sex slave by a 50 year old woman. Anything is possible but it doesn’t pass Occam’s Razor test.
It seems like a hasty generalization to conclude that the morality of an entire group has changed based on the actions of one member. The actions of an individual don't always reflect the values or behavior of the group as a whole. I'm certain that many Republicans would not act in a way that jeopardizes their aides' health in such a manner. Chuck Grassley comes to mind.
I spent most of my high school years being forced into sex with college coeds. Of course, my memory has gotten hazy over the years. I'm pretty sure it happened. Maybe I just dreamed it. Over and over and over ....