So we (wife and I) are highly involved in our kids lives. But we take a back seat to the professionals that educate them. Don’t get me wrong. We are fully aware of options and the environment they are in. Our oldest has been public educated from the beginning (minus preschool). And as a father I push her but from afar. She is self motivated which is awesome. She makes decisions for herself. Which I love. I tried to push her to prep a little for her first SAT test (as she tests at a very high level and I knew it would help). But she had her own plan and wanted to take the test with no prep as a baseline. And set the goal of getting 100% Bright Futures without prepping. Goal Accomplished! Set goals for yourself. Make sure they are attainable. But also not guaranteed. Going to be fun to watch her on the softball field for the first time in a while this weekend as well…
Congrats! What's bright futures like these days? I had it, or the FL scholars equivalent nearly 3 decades ago...
I did not even know lol. But it is 1340 SAT or 29 ACT for 25 grads. 1330 SAT or 29 ACT 26 grads now to get 100% with community service/work hours. I barely qualified for 75% based on mine today lol but got 100% back in the late 90s early 00s.
I want to say when I was in high school (graduated in 98) there was no community service requirement if you had a 1280 for 100% but you could get 100% by doing community service with something like 1100? I was 1190. Could be wrong on that.
Congratulations. I remember the days of $160-190 per quarter for full time, 16-20 hours. We had the CLEP test which allowed you to test out of your freshman year so a good student could get through a state university in 3 years paying about $1750 in tuition.