I don't think it's her's to win though. Many analysts are saying Trump is ahead in the electoral as it stands today. If she had a real 5 or 6 point lead, I could see the strategy possibly working, although again I'll point out that in both of the previous elections, Trump closed the gap down the stretch.
Fair post, but that's a new one to me. Can't think of a previous campaign that relied solely on "emotions and vibes", let alone one that did so successfully.
This one I am not buying. In this day and age, they can put together a platform pretty quickly. Especially her, considering she would have surely been echoing much of the same platform as the VP this fall anyway.
Even though she said she would debate him again if he shows up on Tuesday... just add it to the list of signs her campaign is very afraid.
This is also certainly possible. As well as some combination. Eg Trump seems to be able to say whatever comes into his head, but given that Harris is a new candidate, her reputation will likely be more susceptible to damage from gaffes. So maybe her teams wants people more emotionally invested in her before she gets challenged. Either way, I agree that the debate will be interesting, and I think I’ll likely watch it as well.
I believe all successful political movements capture emotional momentum. “Yes we can”, “Make America great again”, and “Build back better” all sound nice without actually saying anything. Admittedly, each of these movements were also associated with some more specific political aims too. Harris also seems to be trending that direction, producing more policy details in the last few weeks. Indeed, I would hope her campaign couldn’t survive offering only platitudes.
Apparently ABC forced Harris to stick to the original agreement regarding microphone muting. The 90-minute debate will have two seated moderators. Microphones will be live only for the candidate whose turn it is to speak, and there will be no audience. On Wednesday, ABC News released rules for the highly anticipated event. Officials say Harris and Trump both accepted the guidelines. ABC News releases rules for presidential debate between Harris, Trump in Philly
Sure, but as I said, I don't know of any campaign which relied solely on emotion. Obama had a well-articulated platform and gave tons of interviews. Ditto Trump. Biden might be the small exception, but as mentioned, he had the Covid hall pass and he was already a much more well-known quantity.
Trump literally ran for President in 2020 without a platform. And he is currently running with less than 20 pages of one.
Here is a breakdown that I didn't know until I saw this. 38 combined interviews compared to 1 for Harris-Walz. That's crazy. At some point I think the poll numbers will force her team off the sideline and line up another softball interview.
Obviously a ton of people will just vote their party regardless of candidate, but hopefully enough voters care about this to force their hand.
Agree on both sides. Wish more people would say no to both candidates. I know that will never happen. Too many sheep on both sides...
I wouldnt call them sheep, but I agree that if people were willing to leave the parties, they would better shape the parties toward beneficial behavior. I think the voters feel trapped. If I don’t vote for X, Y will win, and Y is the most dangerous candidate of all time. It’s a shame.
Even if she had a legit 5-point lead in the polls, I would still say this is a poor strategy. I'd be too worried about the media stabbing her in the back ala Joe. I still think there is a possibility of that happening if her polling numbers slip some more.
That's just it, they do. If a campaign thinks otherwise, they are doing their candidate an incredible disservice. But again, these are the same people who pushed Biden on that debate stage in June. Politics aside, I'm seeing some very questionable moves up and down on the D side. They should have pushed Joe out of the race last fall. He had already promised to pass the torch. He could have finished out his term and Dems had a normal nomination process. But Dems have shown more and more of a propensity to want to rig their primary, so nobody made this a priority then. That is where the trouble began and it's been one form of damage control or the other ever since.