What's more weird than some delusional old man continuing to lie about that elections is..... .....millions of people who ALSO know he lost the election, but are willing to cast a ballot for him despite his constant lying attacks on our democracy (about that election). Which are basically nothing other than attacks on our nation. I think there's a word for a citizen who attacks their own country. "Traitor." Wouldn't that apply also to someone who knowingly supports someone who attacks their own country?
So blah blah blah, But this idea that elections bring “great division”, which is a staple of all elections now. Yah, the entire idea is division. That is what voting does. It divides A from B. What is with this infantile idea of “division”?
One side is brought solid proven ways of political polices that work GREAT FOR EVERYONE EQUALLY... and the other Party is engaged in the IDENTITY POLITICS OF DIVISION... The Leftists are the Party of hate and divisiveness, and they are rallying on identity politics, and NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE like good sound economic policies.
You realize that Trump is guy who can’t stop talking about Harris’s gender and race, right? … nevermind, I see G8tas made the same point.
He is such a loser. It brought division... uh, do you not think your constant claiming the election was stolen, calling them radicals, communists, etc., isn't divisive? If he wanted to heal the great divide created by the election, he could have done what ever loser had done before which is to congratulate the winner and move on. POS knows exactly what he was doing.
I don't really think he does. I think his brain works in a way that goes "what can I say or do in this exact moment to help me get power. What do these people want to hear to make them like me."
And how many voters voted against Hillary Clinton in 2016 in contrast with the voters who voted for Trump in that election?
And the landslide in 2020 was those Dem's getting off their ass and voting against the most unqualified, corrupt, POS, to ever be called President. Never again Dems! GET OUT AND VOTE!
They were the difference although a significant percentage of the votes for Trump were still negative votes against Clinton. Most of the Trump voters in 2016 were low information voters whose familiarity of Trump was based on the Apprentice combined with his appeal to racism and nativism. They thought that they were voting for his television character a business genius and were completely unaware of his histories of bankruptcies and scams.