Just locked onto one defendant from a disfavored minority and was sure that was it. Makes sense to suspect the boyfriend first but then they wouldn't let go even when it was clear that he wasn't the guy
This it's cool, Susan Simpson and Colin Miller, who really found the exculpatory evidence, finally get to actually zoom with Adnan
Adnan Syed's murder conviction reinstated months after he was freed Maryland's appeal court reinstated the murder conviction against Adnan Syed on Tuesday, roughly six months after Baltimore prosecutors provided new evidence in the 1999 killing of Hae Min Lee.
What ... The ... Fudge ... He should really kill someone before he's thrown back in jail, just to get his money's worth ...
It looks like the actual scenario may not be as bad as the headline sounds: Tuesday's decision and the new hearing are seen as a procedural issue, and there is no reason to believe Syed will be sent back to prison. The prosecutor has indicated that there is evidence pointing to other suspects and that the investigation is ongoing.
Read the CNN version .. seems like a dumb reason to reinstate the conviction... The victim's brother wasn't given sufficient notice to attend the hearing. Sounds like the judge is allowing a "redo" of the hearing, where presumably the same evidence will be presented, and the court will come to the same conclusion ... It might give the prosecutor a leg up, though, since they know the evidence the court found compelling and the legal basis for the release, the prosecutor can better prepare to address those issues ... Maybe...
Bumping an oldie here…. But the Maryland Supreme Court said the conviction should be reinstated due to “procedural issues” in how the conviction was vacated…. Sounds like it will eventually be overturned, again, but they have to restart the process…. The main issue is that the victim’s brother was not properly notified so he could attend the hearing. Also, mentions again that there are now other suspects in the case, but it appears nothing has come of that in two years.
An infuriating and ridiculous ruling. The lower court ruled he was wrongfully convicted. The prosecutor agreed. Nothing the victim's brother can say changes that. This is another example of the legal system choosing idiotic formalism over real justice. And calling this formalism might even be too generous.
I wish there were still podcasts like this one that really captures a huge audience for a limited series run. As far as I know that seems to have vanished