Yeah, it's amazing that Pelosi suckered Trump into getting those people to march to the capitol, overrun barricades, fight with police, break windows, breach the building in multiple places, ransack congressional offices, steal laptops, generally trash the place, etc.
It was actually Nikki Haley who failed to provide adequate security around the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Trump Confuses Haley and Pelosi, Accusing Rival of Jan. 6 Lapse “Nikki Haley was in charge of security,” he [Trump] said. (She was not.) “We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that.”
I didn't know that Trump is so easy manipulated--by an 84 yr old woman nonetheless. I can't imagine what the likes of a 71 yr old man named Putin will do to him. Yet another addition to the long and ever expanding list of reasons to not vote for Trump.
I don't think it is. If they effort, they mean it. If it's drive-by shit posting, they're looking for a reaction.
Why on earth, would the Democratic Party, set this up after WINNING the damn election? I seriously wonder how yall manage to put pants on in the morning. I mean, you probably don’t because you’re a bot but still.
Trump knows he appeals to the uneducated and he refers to them as basement dwellers. Some post for reaction but some are just the type Trump appeals to.
So, the truth steps on your toes? I've repeatedly asked you to read the official reports of the DOD and DOA. Of course, getting to the truth is too much for closed minded lefties who are so easily manipulated by your socialist communist masters. You are nothing more than a slave on the democratic federal plantation. The weaponization of the alphabet services has been nothing short of historic. You don't know crapola about that either. Orange Man bad is all you can see.
Really? I'm not a basement dweller and I'm not uneducated. You on the other hand give me pause when I think you represent our woketard military.
Buy a clue, the riot was underway before Trump finished his speech. Ill-informed is an understatement.
Really, you are saying this now. I promise to stop insults if the leftist majority, just guessing 85% of the posters, do the same. I'm not going to hold my breath.
“We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was,” McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters at his weekly news conference.
"There's no question" that Trump "is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day," McConnell said just after the Senate acquitted Trump of inciting the attack. "No question about it."
It was really smart of her to pre-plan them ransacking her office and pretend that they were looking for her in the building just to make it look more realistic.