This is terrific. Of course, no lefties here will watch it as it steps on their snowflake ideas they cling to. Dems prosecute sexual abusers but have Clinton. Trump is against IVF, but he isn't. State media protecting Harris, like in North Korea. Why RFK Jr. left the democratic party no holds barred. Harris and Walz not being vetted by the media, get to the finish line. No discussion of Harris bad job in California as AG. Media doesn't want to scrutinize Harris, price controls, taxes, etc. No discussion of Harris failure as Border Czar. Invalidated democracy undermining Biden while claiming Trump is the threat. Lied about Biden cognitive decline. How long will honeymoon last. This video is outstanding. Thanks for bringing it in.
I've always liked Jon Stewart, and anybody who thinks it's rare for him to mock Democrats, I have to wonder if they've actually been following him over the years.
What are they losing? Their virginity? I think that was a movie in the 80's with a very young Tom Cruise.
John Stewart has been absolutely ON FIRE this season. He is absolutely hilarious, and he targets everyone. I recommend that whole episode of the Daily Show for people to watch.
Tried watching the vid. First thing I heard is that Harris said we should abolish ICE Donald Trump misleads about Kamala Harris and ICE
I watch that Aussie all the time... And SHE IS so affective with her disdain for the communists, Leftists. Her political views are also aligned with mine.
I think it’s a strength that Democrats and liberals can criticize themselves, recognize their inconsistencies, and laugh at themselves when made fun of.
Or... some people in the Democrats see the split that's happening to their Party in real time... People like RFKjr and others see it.
She was never the border czar. And the so-called MSM ran Biden out of the race due to age. Now that one of the candidates left is old and demented, the MSM no longer cares about age.
It wasn’t age that cause him to be “run out of the race” it was the fact he had trouble formulating a coherent thought. Also according to many of the left here he is a hero for volunteering to step out and wasn’t run out of the race at all..
I don't know man, this "czar" labelling thing is pretty strange, definitely not "official", at least as in a mandated position. I mean, we could pretty much just as accurately label Trump the Rape Czar. Not that that would bother any of you now morally bankrupt cultists.