Interesting article and I’m sure it’s the only censorship the Biden Admin did during its tenure.
Gawd. Here we go again with the histrionics and insinuations. "The government repeatedly asked us to control the spread of covid misinformation that was costing people's lives and enabled the spread of the disease. We refused and they said they were frustrated with us. I regret not whining earlier. Fin."
Shocking response from a liberal who can’t see anything outside his/her/he/him/she/her/they/them narrow window. Restriction of speech, as long as it aligns with your beliefs, is ok.
Ad hominem attack, great. SCOTUS has already reviewed this. Justices side with Biden over government’s influence on social media content moderation - SCOTUSblog Gawd.
I’m generally interested in how you live day to day. Is your head going to explode if Trump wins? If Harris wins I will go on with my life without much issue. I don’t think you could; you seem wound pretty tight.
I am not sure how the election result is germane to your OP. But if trump wins, I will continue my day-to-day activity of identifying outrage porn (like an adult should). I will also try to point out that jawboning is not government censorship to those that don't seem to understand the distinction. Thank you for your interest in my future wellbeing, tho.
I admit, I clicked on OP's thread just to see if it had crashed and burned already. He doesn't disappoint.
Try reading for a change. How do you make it successfully through life with such a closed mind to all things involving honesty: Zuckerberg says Biden administration pressured Meta to censor COVID-19 content ( Zuckerberg sees the Trump Train coming and he doesn't want to get run over. I'm certain he has a lot of other skeletons in his closet too, see killing the Hunter Biden laptop story which would have given Trump the reelection.
Don't dare open the thread. You might discover the democratic party has evolved into the democratic socialist communist party, evil and hate.
Smart move by Zuckerberg. He's right in the crosshairs for increased taxes. This is free advertising for the Trump campaign.
This was pretty much known by anyone with a brain but of course was swept under the rug by the far left and most of the MSM. If it was the Trump admin doing this you can damn well bet that the NYT's and every other rag would have this be their front page story. I just looked at the NYT's website and didn't find it on the first page. And some on the left wonder why most of the country doesn't trust the media...
Conversely, it can be viewed as free advertising for the Democrats as it demonstrates the Biden Administration tried to protect citizens, while complying with US laws, from the life threatening effects of misinformation. Mostly this will appeal to people that don't understand 1A or concepts like censorship... likely trump voters already.
Like many Magats, poster lives in alternative reality (fantasy) with alternative facts. Actually banning books is apparently fine but suggesting public health messages is not... Pub hypocrisy at work. SMH
So now we have the two largest social media titans in the country decrying free speech violations. I'll admit, I never expected Zuckerberg to speak out, but he has apparently been red-pilled.
Hopefully the younger generation wakes up and understands this isn't what it's supposed to be like in the United States.