Hadn't followed LL in recent years, was thinking these kids look smaller than I remembered. Happy to learn that LL moved the age cutoff to 8/31 more in line with school starts and eliminating 13 year old in the LLWS. Always thought moving it back to April from Aug 1 had been a terrible idea.
That AUDACIOUS play reminded me of Benny the Jet from The Sandlot stealing home at the end of the movie! Lake Mary was like I’ll call your Benny the Jet and raise you with we have a chubby kid that can steal home!
We never had LL growing up or anywhere we lived when Alan and Kayla were coming up. In SW Ga in the ‘50’s & ‘60’s we had JrPony L(8-11), Pony L(12-13), Colt L(14-15), then HS & American Legion ball summers between HS. Alan & Kayla both had Dixie Boys baseball & softball then on to HS.
I played for Lake Mary back in the late eighties so I’m hoping they keep the deficit at one and score two. No matter what I love this team.
First time a team from Florida wins it all its my former team. Why weren’t this good when I played lol.
Underdogs nobody talking about the entire tournament despite their success win the entire thing! Priceless
This group of kids from Lake Mary are special. With the ;pitching limits put on Littlle League pitchers and the fact that Lake Mary played 3 more games than Taiwan because they had to battle out of the loser's bracket, I thought they had a major pitching deficiency for this game. But the Florida pitchers that had available battled like crazy, the defense was awesome, they never got down when not taking advantage of numerous scoring chances, then tied it up with 2 out in the 6th and won it with a great bunt in th 8th. Man, what memories for these kids, coaches and parents!! Congrats to what appears to be just a wonderful team from Lake Mary!!!
What a great 2 days of LL baseball. It was the highlight of my weekend, even with FSU losing and the Coke 400. So many different players had a hand in winning it all, from the coaches son at SS (probably his second top 10 play of the week), the timely hits by half the team on Saturday, and then Norton comes in and closes it out over the last 3 plus innings. Who knows which kids will go further in baseball but I'll have my eyes on 3 or 4 of them for sure.
Yeah, but at the LL level especially, you have to send that runner with two outs. Lake Mary’s manager did several strange things during the LLWS with one being the other night in an elimination game I caught the end of when Hawaii had the tying run on third in the bottom of the last inning and Lake Mary was playing their infield back. But they were the most talented team in the field and got the job done. Congrats to the Lake Mary players and coaches!
Omg lmfao. Just can’t keep from criticizing? What is so hard about shutting one’s trap even just for a moment while everyone else enjoys a Florida little league team winning the whole thing. My former little league team no less.
For much of the tournament Lk. Mary's coach has been catching flak for being too aggressive on the base paths. The guy can't win.
Relax, no one is being critical. I just responded to a post and made a comment that the Lake Mary coach made several “interesting” decisions during some of the games I watched but it obviously all worked out. Again, kudos to the Lake Mary kids and coaches.