He left me $35T in debt. He didn’t save shit. If you don’t pay your mortgage but you put $6 in your sock, you didn’t save $6. You stole it.
Tax and spend lefties get all bent over 'rich people' paying enough taxes. Best economy in history and we're still running a 2 trillion dollar deficit...we need more!
I don't want to take a chance on dictatorship. Most of the people in Congress are bright enough to understand when the American people are voting in support of one candidate or in opposition of another. I put in a write-in vote for John Kasich (former Ohio gov.) in 2016, and that did not keep Trump out.
Easy there man. 50 years of the Feds has us 35 Trillion in debt. If someone pays into SS their whole life they aren’t getting something for nothing. Not sure what your analogy with mortgage and socks has to do with SS or Medicare. Near as I can tell however you would have been against the Feds bailing out GM for being run like crap for years.
We have both but except for the Covid years tax receipts pretty much keep going up and up. U.S. government - receipts 2029 | Statista
They'll just give that extra tax money to even more illegals invading our county. Just like they are doing right now.
Capital gains receive a step up in basis upon your death, meaning there are no capital gains taxes related to capital gains accrued during the deceased lifetime. So if you are older and have highly appreciated assets it’s best to not sell them and pass them on to heirs. Step-Up in Basis: Definition, How It Works for Inherited Property As to your friend, with that amount he would be subject to estate tax. Hopefully he has a good estate planning attorney. For most adults, the IRA has to be liquidated over 10 years. Individuals like spouses, minors under 21, disabled, etc can stretch the distributions longer, sometimes their estimated lifespan.
Yes, the basis of the asset is "stepped up" at the time of death but the new basis is used to compute any inheritance taxes that the estate might owe, so it is not entirely untaxed.
Again. If you don’t pay your debts you didn’t save shit. You stole it. Cracks me up that you think you can not pay for the bombs and plane debt but think you “saved” your own money. Nope. He’s a grifter.
"Tax and spend" lefties versus "borrow and spend" righties or more accurately pseudo conservatives. During his term in office Trump managed to do something that no other president had done thanks in part to a compliant Congress of the same party, he increased the deficit during peacetime with a falling unemployment rate. Perhaps we shouldn't have been surprised considering that Donald "six bankruptcies' Trump referred to himself as the King of Debt. One of the few promises that he kept was his pledge to run the government like he ran his businesses.
By Florida and Texas receive more from the Federal government than their citizens pay in taxes and when they experience major disasters that percentage increases. At the risk of sounding somewhat like a hypocrite since I also benefit, Medicare beneficiaries receive far more from the program than what they paid into the system.
Republican administrations run up deficits and Democrats reduce it. Republicans believe the fantasy that tax cuts pay for themselves but the way they rack up the national debt indicates it's not true.
Those charts typically include SS and Medicare, since Florida has a huge retired population it skews the numbers. Do you have any thing specific to payments due to disasters?