Let’s take your point as valid (questionably) that billionaires aren’t efficient; who do they have to be good stewards for? Their heirs? You hate those trust fund kids anyway so you should be happy they are inefficient. What at asinine comment.
All of her mistakes (if and when she makes them) can be undone by the next president. If we put Trump back in office and he makes himself a dictator and abolishes democracy (which is a real possibility, especially now that he has been given immunity from criminal prosecution of his crimes as president), that probably cannot be undone. And there is a very real chance that Congress will oppose her tax and spend plans, and none of these things from her agenda ever happen. That is essentially what happened with Obama, who was also a very liberal candidate, but a far less liberal president. Electing Trump will also have disastrous consequences for peace and freedom worldwide, causing our national defense spending to go sky high as he cheers on and admires the other "savvy" dictators of the world as they invade their neighbors. What Obama did, and what Harris is trying to do, in my opinion, is get the liberal base excited about electing liberal Congressmen and Senators, so that she has any easier time getting things done. The right does this as well (see: Trump, Donald re: immigration). Also, there is one thing a little more important than the economy, believe it or not: democracy. And as scary as it may seem, there is a possibility that a Trump presidency will lead to even more insane dictator-candidates running for president from the republican party in the future. Basically, a vote for Trump is a vote for the IDIOCRACY. Only in this case, there will be nothing funny or amusing about the decline and fall of the United States. Signed, A real republican.
There is this weird pov from cons that somehow very rich people are always good for the economy while government spending is unilaterally bad. It’s actually a more complex issue than that surprise surprise.
I didn’t say rich people were good stewards of their money or that they are good for the economy. They earned the money and can spend as they please. I don’t care if they blow it all on hookers and cocaine. The government, on the other hand, taxes and uses the money very inefficiently. In fact I’d challenge anyone to find a government project that uses funds efficiently. Those programs don’t exist.
just because government is more inefficient than private sector (sometimes) does not mean taxation or government spending is bad. It’s incredibly important and often funds thing private sector won’t.
You may think you have control over the billionaires and their money, but you really don't. The vast majority of them do not HAVE TO live in the United States and pay taxes here. Why do you think Mick Jagger lives in New York, and not London? Because the taxes in Britain are much higher. If we raise our taxes enough, both businessmen and billionaires will start residing elsewhere. They will probably tolerate small tax increases just fine, but not large ones. Sadly, few politicians are willing to settle for a small success when they can wave their wands and get a gigantic "success", even if it turns out to be a disaster.
Mick Jagger lives in NY because of the tax advantages? I hope he never hears of the Cayman Islands, lest the US collapses upon his relocation.
It's always great when guys who make $40K a year selling TVs at Best Buy get really concerned about guys who live in Manhattan penthouses and run hedge funds having to pay more taxes.
No offense but of course you believe in the govt. You’re a democrat working in a govt setting and surrounded by…government democrats. It makes sense that you would be all in on more govt. No offense.
I think Jagger is more of a big city rock star than a small island rock star. You're thinking of Jimmy Buffet (RIP).
Your ignorance does not offend me. Higher Ed is not the same thing as government. Especially in Florida where government and higher Ed are often at odds.
1. Annual deficits are $2 trillion a year or $20 trillion over 10 years. A $5 trillion tax increase is modest by comparison. 2. It is a proposal. To the extent she wins, even if congress is majority democrat, the scope and amounts will be negotiated downward. 3. Of what little I’ve read I’d support most of it conceptually. I’d say the level of rate increase is probably higher than I would propose.
Because there are certain things that only the government can do? Do you expect private citizens to build and maintain the nation's roads and highways? Do you want private citizens handling national defense? Do you want private citizens protecting our natural resources? How are private citizens going to make sure we have clean air and water? Who is going to ensure that minimum standards for workplace safety are met? Who is going to do these things better than the government? You? Inefficient beats incompetent any day. If we start de-funding the government, we start regressing towards the 1800's, but with more than enough technology to kill ourselves many times over, if unregulated.
If Republicans are afraid of this tax proposal, that says that the believe that they can and will lose both the House and fail to take the Senate. I was not even sure that was possible, but if they are this scared, maybe it is?
Conservatives/Republicans are against government until there not. When Texas and Florida are hit by hurricanes the first thing that Greg Abbot and Ron DeSantis do after their standard public appearance is the submission of applications for federal disaster assistance. Somewhere around 70 percent of the residents of the Villages are probably registered Republicans who complain about big government while also receiving social security checks every month as well Medicare. Big Pharma complains about government interference while benefiting from government funded R&D and I could on and on.