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Kamala’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan is Scary

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by okeechobee, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far

    Raising taxes by this much is going to hurt any economy. I’m most concerned by the plan to raise the long-term capital gains tax rate to 45%, the highest it has been since 1922. This impacts long-term investment and ultimately jobs. This plan is a disgrace.
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  2. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007

    am I missing something? This really only impacts a small subset of the very rich.
    • It applies only to individuals with at least $100 million in wealth who do not pay at least a 25% tax rate on their income (inclusive of unrealized capital gains). Payments can be spread out over subsequent years.
    • Within that $100 million club, you'd only pay taxes on unrealized capital gains if at least 80% of your wealth is in tradeable assets (i.e., not shares of private startups or real estate). One caveat for this illiquid group is that there would be a deferred tax of up to 10% on unrealized capital gains upon exit.
    • In short, it would not apply to most startup founders or investors. If any group should be tweeting mad face emojis, it's top hedge fund managers.

    • Plus, the vast majority of startup investment comes via institutions, not individuals. And if the carried interest loophole is ever closed, which Harris also supports via Biden, then it wouldn't be a capital gain anyway.
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  3. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
  4. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    If you are scared of this, I think we need to start asking you if we can borrow some money
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  5. gatorchamps960608

    gatorchamps960608 GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 4, 2020
    Everyone should be scared of the Project 2025 tax plan. It would raise taxes by about $2,000 for middle class families before they even eliminate the child tax credit which they also want to do.
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  6. RealGatorFan

    RealGatorFan Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Kamala and Co are the reason why we need to clean house. Everyone needs to go. Instead of overhauling the tax code, she wants to add to it even more rules that create 50 million more loop holes that the very same wealthy guys are going to exploit. Why? Because it's all a ruse. Kamala doesn't want to tax the rich; it's all a word play to get votes. Why else do the rich want to give her money? It's because they stand to gain more. Until the tax code is overhauled, killing all of the trillion loop holes already found in it, nothing really will happen. The fact is, even when the tax brackets had a 90% tax at the highest tier, only 2 people were taxed. It cost more to change the tax code than tax receipts collected from the change.
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  7. slocala

    slocala VIP Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    Can’t take any Corp tax policy seriously without a QDMTT. It’s basic common sense with P2 global min tax roll-out and putting US companies in the best competitive position against foreign companies operating in the US.
  8. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    At least she isn’t trying to hide her agenda.
    The progressives are simply NOT a reasonable option.
    How can anyone vote to crush our economy?
    Possibly if you just want to have a beer with your president, then maybe Kamala is the better candidate.
    Other than that…no reasonable, rational person would vote for kooky Kamala.
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  9. vegasfox

    vegasfox GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 4, 2024
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  10. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    We're going to get $5 trillion over the next 10 years by taxing a very small subset of the very rich? Might want to look at the plan closer. The capital gains and dividends tax rate goes to 44.6%. That's not just for people with <$100 million in wealth. You must be thinking about the tax on unrealized gains. I'm talking about the tax on realized capital gains going to 44.6%. That is insanity. When coupled with state capital gains taxes, many people will effectively be paying over a 50% capital gains tax. Who will want to invest and grow new businesses under such a design?

    Corporate tax rate goes to 28% and the best part... corporations will have to pay a flat 15% even if they report no taxable income (after deductions). Considering about one-third of corporations don't report a taxable income, that means one in every three corporations just saw their profits decline by 15% under her plan.

    Small business owners pay business taxes on their individual tax return. The Harris endorsed budget raises the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6% from the current 37%. Small businesses create jobs.

    She wants to quadruple taxes on stock buybacks. Buybacks are the easiest way for a company to lift their stock prices. So ordinary Americans feel the brunt of this, because it impacts their 401k.

    And before someone says Biden and Harris are pro drilling, how about a $37 billion in new taxes on oil and gas companies?? Drill baby drill, right?
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  11. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    Yup I was just reading about capital gains tax in that section which you indicated as being the death of the economy.
    The tax rate on corps was 35% just a little while ago and we were fine.
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  12. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
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  13. magnetofsnatch

    magnetofsnatch Rudy Ray Moore’s Idol Premium Member

    Apr 10, 2020
    North Florida
    Why would anyone want more funds going to an entity that is inefficient? The government has proven, regardless of party, that it doesn’t know what it’s doing.
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  14. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
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  15. g8trjax

    g8trjax GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 1, 2007
    As usual with all these jagoffs, just pray for solid congressional gridlock.
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  16. cluckugator

    cluckugator VIP Member

    Aug 16, 2007
    Strongly disagree with the unrealized capital gains tax though it would only impact a small number of Americans. The stance on unrealized capital gains is a philosophical change in the way our government taxes the people. In no circumstance can I support the government taking money out of people’s pocket for dollars they haven’t received yet (for the case of a company founder that took a company public and holds over $100mm of stock).

    Other billionaires that have already paid ordinary income tax on their wages and / or normal capital gains on the sale of a company, and then have placed $100mm in the market should not be taxed again until they sell the stock. Is the government going to come in a seize a founders stock if they have over $100mm in unrealized capital gains in liquid positions but not $25mm of cash to pay the absurd tax? Would they have to sell some of their position in their company, pay normal cap gains, then use the post-tax proceeds to pay more taxes?

    The only rationale argument for this is that Jeff Bezos and his advisors found a loophole that nearly all billionaires use. They borrow against the gains on their stock and don’t pay taxes on the cash inflow from the loans. I don’t support closing that loophole as borrowings will have to be repaid when the shares are sold and the government will collect tax on capital gains at that time, so why should the government tax a short-term loan?

    However, you could make an argument the abuse of that loophole is so absurd that it should be closed. But simply taxing any amount of unrealized gains directly is absurd and I don’t believe any country in the world has a tax like this (I could be wrong on that point, but Google says I am not).

    It’s a losing strategy for Kamala also. 75% of the country disapproved of this in 2021. She needs to use a different method to show unionized workers she sides with them over big bad business owners.

    The Psychology of Taxing Capital Income: Evidence from a Survey Experiment on the Realization Rule by Zachary D. Liscow, Edward G. Fox :: SSRN
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024
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  17. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Billionaires aren't particularly efficient either. Might as well go to a thing we have theoretical control over.
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  18. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
  19. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    All of it is absurd, but yep, that's a good breakdown of the unrealized cap gains tax she wants to implement. Just as absurd as her price controls on food, literally as the Fed is telling us rates will come down because inflation has been contained for the most part. Not that the Fed rate matters. The policy is just horrible. She needs to propose something with substance that would actually help the country.
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  20. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    With government…