In defense of McElwain, he wore sockless casual loafers, which while not my thing, is pretty common among normal people, especially in the south. These guys are doing it with weird dress loafers, which is not what normal people do.
Dude is a tool. Right wing insecure men flock to this guy. So do young men who haven’t figured out how to be a man. So do permanent incels. Dude is human trash.
In High school me and my loser friends listened to one of my TDK tapes until it wore out - Def Leppard High and dry on one side and Riot Fire down under on the other. Loved that album. I was never a big fan of their later work where they went more pop/glam etc. The drummer losing an arm probably played a part.
Ah hell yeah. You had to break the tabs off them tdk90s to keep that stuff safe. I remember wearing out License to Ill and Raisin Hell tape. Good times.
The fact that Def Lepard was able to continue as a band with a one armed drummer kinda speaks to the quality of their musicianship.
What on earth is that? White rap? I'm sure there are some who find appeal, perhaps in the message or in the weird aesthetic but musically, it sucks out loud. I'm proudly ignorant about this "musician." Was he with the Ramones or some other band who didn't know how to play their instruments? Note: Not an indictment on you or your musical tastes; I just find that recording awful.
You got me there but still in the grander scheme McElwain is trying to dress down and rebel and show he would rather be on a boat. These guys aren’t trying to show they have a Caribbean Soul.
I loved this song but my favorite from them was People Who Died. I listen to a very broad spectrum of music, I didn't like JCB for their talent with instruments, most likely for their counter culture message.
He was more a poet who dabbled in music, so the words were considered more important than the music. The earlier Leo DiCaprio movie The Basketball Diaries is based on him. He was living in NYC at the same time as the Ramones and associated with the same scene, but he kind of did the opposite of them with complex lyrics and loose music where the Ramones had simple lyrics but were musically really tight.
H&D was solid, but for my nickel, i though Pyromania was their peak. The only album of theirs that I still own ( CD, bc the tapes long ago melted, or the tspe came out and got tangled, or ... ??? ...)--Too Late for Love, Photograph, Rock of Ages, FFFoolin... one of many Mutt Lange classics. Jmho/fwiw
No socks w penny loafers was stylish in the 80's (still is with boat shoes/top siders--probably alway was, as far as I know, for those), especially in coastal Florida. I believe Don Johnson in Miami Vice may be to blame. Not saying I like the look--Im a sock guy, mostly bc it prserves the shoe, and is more hygienic--and more comfortable--but I don't really begrudge anyone who wears em sockless. Their feet, their shoe... Jmho/fwiw.
Looking back, it would have been a good thing to keep McElwain. He at least knew how to hire a good DC. Keeping Grantham out of Gainesville would have been good for about 4 more wins in 19 and 20.