You do not matter… No cookies and milk for you tonight, young man... Now, go to your room and stay there.
That's so weird. One of the guys working for me is a Venezuelan migrant. He recently got his US citizenship and voted in yesterday's local primary. I'll be sure to let him know how concerned you are about his entry into our country.
I just got a premium account warning, and I don't even have a premium account... wgbgator... what are you up to? Just in time to change my words too.
Whoah, who said anything about grammar? I only issued one challenge, for people to spell "border" correctly. It baffles me that so many people go with 'boarder' lol. It keeps happening every time it is brought up.
what is unreal is that one idiot has contributed $150 MILLION to maga Billionaires Timothy Mellon and Mike Bloomberg inject massive sums into 2024 super PACs ( Mellon, who donated $50 million in May to Make America Great Again Inc., the super PAC that supports former President Donald Trump's presidential bid, doubled down in July with another $50 million donation to the group. The businessman, who had previously given millions to a super PAC supporting independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has now donated more than $150 million to political organizations this cycle. ..................................... The donation from Mellon made up the vast majority of the $54 million that MAGA Inc. raised in July, new reports filed Tuesday night with the Federal Election Commission show. The group spent $44 million last month, the majority of it on television ads as Republicans continue to ramp up spending in the presidential race. The super PAC closed July with $124 million left in the bank.
If he got his US citizenship he likely is here Legally, I don’t think Rick has any issue with legal immigration, but I’ll let him correct me if I assumed incorrectly.
Our resident graduate of the Trump University College of Law. Add "smuggling" to the ever expanding list of things you don't understand.
What the hell does she need a butt load of money for, besides travel expenses? Media's carrying her every step of the way for free.
Sounds pretty not fair. I am sad for you and your side, and will give you a hash tag to draw attention to your dire plight. #NOT FAIR!!!!!! There, hope that helps. Now gonna read about the legal case of another large online "media" outlet that knowingly published the flat-out lies they were spoon fed by the lying Donald Trump. Perhaps they'll also agree to a $1billion settlement. It's so unfair how all that media only helps Dems, isn't it? (Just do that hashtag if this issue makes you feel sad inside again. It's like summoning Batman.)
The bigger point aside, I don't understand how people are happy with this kind of money being generated so readily for supporting politicians.
Not remotely as much free publicity as Trump got from the media in 2016. For a while even MSNBC was carrying his MAGA rallies in their entirety not to mention CNN. As I previously stated the contributions are funding the Democrats ground game and it does make a difference. Besides the amount of the contributions the overwhelming majority were from small contributors an indication of enthusiasm on the part of the Democrats. For the guys who rated the post "Come On Man". Apparently they do not remember the 2016 presidential campaign. From 2016 Donald Trump rode $5 Billion in Free Media to the White House And this was from March 2016 before the general election campaign had even started. $2 Billion Worth of Free Media for Donald Trump (Published 2016) This is from May 2016