A Russian soldier defects to Ukraine, after transmitting operational information and setting off explosives in his unit's headquarters. He was motivated to escape by the war crimes, beatings, robberies, and executions in his unit. He also placed mines along his escape route to prevent from being followed. Russian soldier defects to Ukraine after spying for resistance group for months
Ukraine is giving Russia a taste of its own medicine with glide bombs landing in Kursk. One bomb landed on a Russian underground command center. Video shows Ukraine turning the tables on Russia by dropping glide bombs on its territory
The Massachusetts city councilman (and former member of the U.S. Air Force and state National Guard) that was caught with child porn on his phone who joined Russia's military claims that he is not a traitor. Then he goes on to quote the same idiotic, self-serving propaganda that other trolls have been quoting, while totally oblivious to the truth. He wants the Americans who "caused" the Ukraine War to be held responsible at some point in the future, so the U.S. and Russia can be friends as Russia takes over the world. Wow. That is one sick dude. To claim that the U.S. is involved in other people's politics and imply that Russian isn't, is the worst case of ignorance imaginable. Doesn't the U.S. military check I.Q. before they let someone in? Fugitive American Insists He’s Not a Traitor in New Kremlin Propaganda Video
You know when I originally posted that link yesterday, I did not really believe that was happening. I thought maybe they are going to use their space forces as noncombat support in the rear area if anything. But apparently there is something to this rumor. Russians Baffled After Putin's 'Space Troops' Deployed as Infantry in Kursk (msn.com)
It's a pretty clear sign of desperation. Putin does not like being humiliated, and Ukraine caught him with his pants down on this one.
I will agree that most of your "Fact Checks" are shameful, but rarely do they represent anything approaching the truth. At best, they represent one isolated incident, and then paint an entire nation (or two) with your broad brush of ignorance, because you think that one person can be a pretty good indication of tens or hundreds of millions of people.
It's a "lighting improvement project". Russia is saving money on street lighting at night. Also, it gives troops fleeing from Kursk a beacon to run towards so they don't get lost. All part of the plan.
Calm down, there are acceptable Nazis … In the blink of an eye, without missing a beat, both the white-supremacist Putin-Nazis that plagued Democracy throughout the Trumpian Reich and the Covid-denying Anti-Vax Nazis that plagued the New Normals throughout the Global Pandemic were seamlessly replaced by the GloboCap Nazis … but, the thing is, the GloboCap Nazis are the good guys, and the Putin-Nazis and Anti-Vax Nazis are … well, I guess they’re still technically Nazis, except for the fact that they aren’t actual Nazis and are mostly just regular working-class people, whereas the GloboCap Nazis are actual Nazis (i.e., Sieg-heiling, Jew-hating, Hitler-worshiping Nazis), who the US military and Intelligence community, NATO, and assorted private “military advisors” have been funding, arming, and otherwise supporting since the 2014 Ukrainian “revolution” (i.e., coup) that they orchestrated to destabilize Russia as part of that global Clear-and-Hold operation (which operation, of course, doesn’t actually exist, and is just another conspiracy theory disseminated by Putin-Nazi traitors like me to erode support for the GloboCap Nazis, who are really just wholesome young Aryan boys who are trying to defend Democracy from Evil, and cleanse their country of the Jews and the Roma, and exterminate the Russian race, starting with the children, apparently). Springtime for GloboCap
You got kicked off the grown-ups table and now have to eat at the folding card table. Fair warning: You are about to get sent out to the garage. Please govern yourself accordingly.
Ukraine launches one of the largest ever drone attacks on Moscow. They could be testing air defenses in preparation for F-16 attacks . . . Ukraine launches 'one of largest ever' drone attacks on Moscow, mayor says
I don’t think they are going to be attacking Moscow with F-16s. Those things need to stay over friendly territory in case one gets hit or has an emergency. But I would like to see them start using their advanced munitions to hit Russian aircraft further out, take out enemy air defenses, and eventually conduct close air support for the maneuver brigades.
U.S. Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges comments on some of Russia's inadequacies on display during the war, along with other incorrect assumptions about the Russian military. The fact that Russia has to rely on ammunition from China and North Korea is an indication that Russia's military-industrial complex can't produce anywhere near what is needed. Russia also has manpower limitations. Russia's high rate of loss of experienced troops are also limiting their capabilities. Ukraine's Kursk gambit upends some old assumptions about Russia and the war
Major problem for Ukraine: after blowing up three bridges in Kursk and trapping 3,000 inexperienced Russian soldiers on the wrong side of a river, can Ukraine handle the surrender of that many Russian troops? In related news, Russia is creating three new battle groups: Kursk, Belgorod, and Bryansk. This will help them to better keep track of the on-going surrenders. Thousands Of Russian Troops In Kursk Likely Trapped By Blown Bridges