They say " it can't happen here" yet here we are. All fine and dandy, until they come for you. and they will.
Anyone surprised ? Republicans Wrap Up Impeachment Inquiry Against Joe Biden | HuffPost Latest News After investigating the Biden family for the past year and a half, interviewing dozens of witnesses and reviewing thousands of documents, Republicans couldn’t find clear evidence of official wrongdoing by the president. Instead, their final report faults Biden for having repeatedly interacted with his son Hunter Biden’s business partners and giving them the impression that paying Hunter Biden would win them influence with Joe Biden. Almost all of the conduct Republicans described in their report occurred before Biden became president in 2021, with most of it occurring after he left the vice presidency in 2017. Republicans also complained that the Biden administration stonewalled their investigation and stifled a criminal investigation into his son, even though the Justice Department is pursuing gun and tax charges against Hunter Biden.
I don't think it was ever a serious impeachment inquiry, it was a political stunt from the start. I guess Jim Jordan was repaying Trump for his Presidential Medal of Freedom.
No need to impeach to remove Biden as president. The non-democratic party has conducted a coup so has removed Biden already as he is nothing more than a bobblehead sitting in the Oval Office or on the beach. Chucky Schumer would file it away without action, the second time in US history, see Mayorkas, both times by the democrat socialist communist party. A criminal solution is so much more inviting. The proof has now been obtained that the Biden Crime Family of grifters with the big man Joe Biden taking his 10% cut has now been documented. The WH and the Biden DOJ stonewalled. Wait until Trump 47 is in office and turn it over to the Trump DOJ to handle. It's interesting today in New York City that the Manhattan DA has stated he does not mind delaying sentencing until after the election, mighty big of him as it has been lawfare at its best, actually at its socialist/communist worse. If Trump is sentenced to jail, the entire Biden Crime Family, a mafia really, should be charged, convicted, and sent to jail. Hunter Biden has enough against him coming up on drug and gun charges that he would be going to jail except Joe won't leave this as a loose end. A pardon is on the way for Hunter before Joe leaves office. Impeachment is a waste of time, a dead end. Do like having the goods to move forward criminally if the Biden Administration continues to misbehave.
Republicans have no ground to impeach but didn’t Pelosi, Schumer and other Democratic leaders basically already do the deed?
If the insurrectionists Jordon or Comer had evidence to prosecute Biden it would have been their first announcement since impeachment is a losing waste of time non-starter. Irony is poster writes of lawfare while claiming that will be the Pub plan if elected. LOL Unless Trump somehow steals the election.... he's doing jail time. What a sterling candidate the Pubs hold up! Be better
100% agree and have been saying it since Trump came down the escalator and when Obama turned his IRS attack dog on the Tea Party. It's a democrat thing. It's despicable that you are only now concerned when the possibility exists that it can happen to you, meaning the liberal lapdog voters supporting the democratic socialist communist party.
Incorrect. I said if Biden continues to misbehave that payback is a possibility. Sending Trump to jail is a bridge too far.
And the evidence against Joe Biden includes testimony from a known Russian agent, and a bunch of Hunter Biden business associates that all said Joe had limited to surface only involvement in Hunter's business dealings. Good luck with getting an indictment, let alone conviction against Joe Biden with this evidence. And need I remind you Trump not only got indicted, but now has 34 felony convictions to his record! Hunter Biden is likely guilty of selling the perception that doing business with Hunter gave one access to Joe, but Hunter was never elected, nor employed by the Federal Government. I don't think there is a law that Hunter broke. And Joe? Zero actual evidence he took a dime from Hunter's business dealing. What a waste of taxpayer money the R's investigation was. It proved absolutely nothing, and absolutely nothing will come of it except a long report that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Last but not least, Joe didn't have to step out of the election. He has done so of his free will, and nobody has evidence to the contrary. Unlike Trump, Joe Biden actually puts country ahead of himself.
It’s time to leave the old guy alone. After nearly 4 years, DNC operatives finally corrected the massive mistake wherein 81 million Americans empowered a frail, elderly and demented man to the station of most powerful man in the world.
So in your mind, Biden serving out the single Presidential term for which he was elected is a coup? Do you know even know what a coup is? Are you not familiar with the term “lame duck President “? They all become one at some point.
This write-up from The Hill sums things up very well. The impeachment report isn't worth the paper it is printed on. But the report failed to uncover a smoking gun, instead relying on largely debunked threads, disputed testimony, and circumstantial evidence that failed to directly tie any official action from President Biden to his family’s business dealings. The report was also released at the start of the Democratic National Convention, a move that could be seen as aiming to ensure political impact before the president speaks Monday evening, but likely ensures it is buried by days of coverage of the new presidential ticket.