It’s a complicated situation compounded by so many divergent forces using the Israel-Palestine debate to further wholly unrelated interests. And it’s truly tragic.
Best PR team in history. Of course, none of this should be a surprise because they literally learned the how-to from the Nazi propaganda machine engineers. Here’s an example of one of the anti-Israel propagandist origins: Johann von Leers - Wikipedia And here’s another old article:
I would be willing to bet that if Hamas gave back the hostages last christmas or never took any in the first place this would have ended long ago.
To quote Golda Meir, "There will be peace when Palestinians love their own children more than they hate Israeli children." We're not there yet. Nowhere close. And the only thing the continued bombs from Israel ensures is more dead Palestinian civilians, which gives them cause to hate Israeli children more than they love their own.
This is beyond disgusting. Trump and Netanyahu both should be in prison. Trump trying to avert ceasefire deal because it would help the Harris campaign. Who cares about dead hostages and children. Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines
From “U.S. Navy could crush the Houthis” to “Houthis have defeated the U.S. Navy.”
Israel rescued one of the hostages alive today. Live Updates: Israeli Forces Rescue Hostage From Gaza