You’re the one claiming Israel released the numbers. I searched and saw nothing. The burden of proof rests with you because you made the assertion. So post a link to support your claim or I call bullshit.
I have a question. If that many Israelis want Netanyahu out, why don't at least some of them go demonstrate in front of the courthouse where his trial for corruption has been going on for FOUR YEARS?
Translation: "It doesn't exist." (I learned to speak a little MAGA representing people arrested at tractor pulls and gun shows.")
Translation: It's his job if he he interested as he brought it up. The alternative is you can be his secretary since you are such a nosey body.
You asked for civilian deaths which was only brought up by you. The you that refused to watch Netanyahu address congress where he discussed this very subject or read anything presented from a site you don't approve of. If you really want to know it is out there, actually in here too with the right searches. Go find it.
I didn’t refuse to watch his address - I’m just not in the habit of watching congressional speeches. Maybe when I’m retired and have more time on my hands. I found it and they have indeed published numbers. I stand corrected. You could have just posted a link and not acted like a ding dong but whatever. 16,000 civilian casualties per Israel.
Netanyahu told congress the percentage of civilian deaths in relation to war combatants is the lowest of any war ever. It has been reported in the Jerusalem Times of Israel and in some conservative sites, also on here in the past. Unfortunately, it does not fit the ant-Israel pro-Palestinian talking points, so it isn't often, if ever, reported in the lamestream media. The IDF would kill less civilians even at the risk of higher IDF deaths if Hamas would quit embedding with the civilian populace. Of course, that isn't going to happen. When you want an update on civilian casualties, you will know where to find the information.
So you can’t kill terrorists, because that makes more terrorists? So the solution is to just live with the terrorists? Seems like our efforts to beat back Al Queda and ISIS were pretty successful.
Well, dropping bombs, the Israelis are in a much better position to count the civilian dead than Hamas is on the ground. Does either side (Hamas says 40,000, Israel says 16,000) have a vested interest in telling the truth about it? How about somewhere in between? 28,000, anyone?
You can kill terrorists. But don't expect a military victory against them. AQ and ISIS still exist, don't they? Israel has been fighting terrorists for generations. The terrorists haven't been wiped out yet. Why expect a different result this time? Do the same things over and over, expect the same results. The problem is Hamas and the Palestinians believe from the land to the sea is possible. Israel thinks a military victory against Hamas is achievable. Nether are correct. If neither never change their way of thinking, nothing will ever change.
Yes, something is going to change, there will be the Israeli winner. Hamas will be eradicated like the vermin they are and those choosing to embed with them will go too, 16,000 along with 17,000 of the 30,000 Hamas fighters. The job will be completed and Iranian controlled and supplied Hamas will have zero to do with future governance in Gaza. The PLO will likely have to go to as they spawned and supported Hamas. Whomever is left at the top of governance in Gaza will be approved by Israel and will likely only be left alone after an Israeli occupation for quelling a return to open unrest for the river to sea destruction of Israel.
Spot on. They are like two drunk meatheads at a bar that can’t stop beating the shit out of each other despite being separated multiple times.
You sound like hardliner Israelies railing against the PLO 50 years ago. There wasn't a military victory back then. Won't be one today either. And last time Palestinians elected leaders? They chose Hamas. Hamas has something like a 90% approval rating among Palestinians. You are delusional if you believe Gaza would accept Israeli backed leadership without forming the next PLO/HAMAS terrorist organization.
The Palestinian people are going to suffer mightily. Germans had to have their country decimated to get rid of Hitler. That this has to happen in Gaza is entirely the Palestinian people's fault as you say 90% approve of Hamas. In the end there will be no Hamas to support. It will take many years to grow up the new Hamas fighters. In the meantime, maybe the Palestinian people will finally give up on the notion of conducting genocide in Israel to obtain their river to the sea objective which is impossible to achieve. Should the Palestinians persist with this, by right of winning the war Hamas started, the Israelis could annex Gaza all the way to the Egyptian border and not allow Palestinian self-governance again. It would serve the Palestinian people their earned justice for their terrorist supporting actions against Israel.
This is the Palestinians' fault. They could've had peace and self rule several times. But as the quote goes, "Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity!" Nothing will change until the Palestinians finally understand the infidatas are futile. And they accept a 2 state solution is their best option. It took Arafat decades to come to this conclusion, and he signed peace accords 25 years ago. But Arafat couldn't control the terrorist monster he had built, and Hamas took control and continued the fight. The current Israeli tactic is bombing the Palestinians until there is peace. That's a tried and true way of keeping the status quo. It didn't work before. It's not going to work now.
You can't indiscriminately kill so many women and children and civilians. THAT makes more terrorists. You're better than this.
The current Palestinian tactic is to slaughter innocent Israeli men, women, children, and babies while holding hostages against their will and murdering those for political statements as they recently did. That you are for returning to this status quo is a despicable admission. It's not possible to negotiate with a terrorist mentality.