Pro-Publica with excellent investigative reporting on a large organized and heavily armed militia. A good many members are law enforcement or ex-military. So far it has only been their rhetoric that is violent but they have patrolled the southern border in heavily armed squads. They have passionate beliefs about the election. A matter of time. Long article Inside the Turbulent, Secret World of the AP3 Militia — ProPublica Now with the presidential election less than 100 days away, AP3 members see the fate of their country turning on a turbulent, charged campaign. They’re certain that Democrats will try to steal — not for the first time, in their view — the White House from Donald Trump. “The next election won’t be decided at a Ballot Box,” an AP3 leader wrote several months ago in a private Telegram chat. “It’ll be decided at the ammo box.” He has said he is ready to force his way into voting centers if need be, or “whatever it takes.” …………………………………. Anyone interested would need to bring an AR-15-style carbine and a semiautomatic pistol. They would conduct vigilante patrols, a regular feature at the border since the 1970s. Another leader explained the rules. “It is a felony to detain these folks under Texas law,” he said. “We can only report to the authorities, but we are allowed to carry live rounds.” Many members said they didn’t want to go if they couldn’t kill migrants. “The most heard comment I get” is “there is only one way to stop them,” one leader told Seddon. AP3 joined forces with another militia and soon had members in Quemado, sleeping at a Christian charity 1,000 feet from the Rio Grande.
ProPublica is pretty left leaning, even rated left leaning by the left leaning fact checkers.....I don't think I will waste my time reading a "long article" by them.
History not on the side of numnutz like these. Hopefully they conduct their whacked out business in places like Idaho and nowhere, Montana. If they choose to infringe upon the rights of other non-idiot citizens, they will pay a price.
Interesting take, so I looked it up on the media bias chart and then added one of the righty sites (Townhall) that has been linked many times by @ETGator1 recently. Propublica indeed leans left, but appears to be high in factual integrity. Townhall, otoh, leans strong right, shows a "wide variation in reliability" and is wildly inconsistent.
Pretty much any time something criticizes the right. "Doesn't count because I never heard of him" ... "Doesn't count because it's a liberal source" ... Meanwhile, Media Bias Factcheck's rating of Propublica:
Well yes. The article does have a lot of physical evidence and interviews with the group’s principals and members. It seems to me to be well sourced and factual.
In recent years, AP3 members have been debating, with ever more intensity, whether they should engage in mass-scale political violence. Some senior AP3 members grew so alarmed that they quit, scared by the number of people, even high-level leaders, advocating acts of terror.