How do you measure ocean levels? It seems like you don't know, based on this post, I'm just trying to figure out how you think it works.
If the OP wants to educate himself. ‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating If anything science has been underestimating global warming.
“What's the difference between global and local sea level? Global sea level trends and relative sea level trends are different measurements. Just as the surface of the Earth is not flat, the surface of the ocean is also not flat—in other words, the sea surface is not changing at the same rate globally. Sea level rise at specific locations may be more or less than the global average due to many local factors: subsidence, upstream flood control, erosion, regional ocean currents, variations in land height, and whether the land is still rebounding from the compressive weight of Ice Age glaciers. Sea level is primarily measured using tide stations and satellite laser altimeters. Tide stations around the globe tell us what is happening at a local level—the height of the water as measured along the coast relative to a specific point on land. Satellite measurements provide us with the average height of the entire ocean. Taken together, these tools tell us how our ocean sea levels are changing over time. Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year. … The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The ocean is absorbing more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity.” Is sea level rising?.
You mean it's not just bigger waves as at least one of the greatest minds in climatology has suggested? This rocks that incredibly well thought out theory to its very core.
Low was 69, record is 67, average is 73. Back to 94 for the high Sunday, 74 for the low. Not atypical to start seeing cool fronts push this far south in mid August. They usually last for only a couple days.
The argument with global warming/the coming ice age/ climate change is that when asked to confirm what any of these changes will provide the best answers are maybe, maybe it will lower global temperature 1/2 a degree 25 years from now, maybe but are uncertain. When then a follow up question of “what if we spend half” do we get 1/4 degree reduction in 25 years is also maybe. So let’s tap the brakes on wrecking every industry and spending trillions that just happens to enrich others on a maybe
Excellent post. Additionally, shutting down fossil fuels would keep much of the 3rd world impoverished, essentially the West telling everyone else "Hey, we got ours - screw you." People don't consider the cost - it's all emotional: weeping and wailing about the fate of the poor polar bears & "have you no humanity?" It's simply a more sophisticated con than the person on the other end of the phone trying to convince you that you need to part with $10,000 or you'll never see you child again. It's all about fear, urgency and money; and, if you don't submit you're stupid, uneducated and evil. I recall the advert showing a polar bear floating out to sea on a piece of ice...presumably to his/her demise. Heartwrenching, but not true. Polar bear population - WWF Arctic Polar Bear Population -
You would think we could all agree that clean air and clean water were valuable goals to be striving for. But here we are.
Sure dump what ever toxins you want in the air, water and land...what could possibly happen? Nothing bad. Besides, it's too expensive to fix. If JFK had been a man of your unique vision, we would still be wondering if the moon was made of cream cheese.
Post #95 is a silly straw man. If someone doesn't agree with your take = that person wants polluted air, water and land. The intent here is to isolate the other poster - without having to engage in a substantive discussion. Post #96 is dismissive. No engagement on the links, nothing. Congrats 2 for 2: you win the Leftist Ludicrous Lament of the day. Congrats!!!
Not sure it’s possible for someone to come up with a more straw man argument than you just typed. Which is precisely what I usually get when i ask the question. I wasn't in any of the meetings but I’m pretty sure president Kennedy was never asked to regulate and restrict almost every industry at the cost of trillions with a best guess of a half a degree difference in 25 years. Side note. There is zero chance JFK would get your vote today.