I'm not sure Trump has the leverage to force her to debate on Fox News with the miraculous 15 point gain in the polls Harris has made in a matter of weeks, thanks to the media coronation efforts. That said, Trump should keep reminding her about it and show up Sep 4th to debate her whether she's going to be there or not.
Why? Sounds like neither of us want Trump as President. Regardless I don’t make predictions. I just comment on where they are currently. She’s doing well. He isn’t. That pretty evident.
Ah, the magic of a couple photos. Great - she shows up among supporters and says something like: "We're going to win because winning is important. The winners are the ones who win; and, they are not the losers. We are winners. We will win" and the crowd goes wild. Very, very impressive stuff. Has she had any interviews? Gone on any news shows? Answer: no. He entire platform is "I am not Donald Trump." And, for many people that is sufficient. "I don't believe anything I said before ...unless you liked it; then, I believe in it..." is essentially her platform. Fracking? Ban it then. Now - because Pennsylvania is key - "Fracking is okay" Border? Nothing done. Now - because it's an issue - let's get tough on border. Yeah, she's out there...WAY out there.
That might be all it takes when she’s running against a twice impeached convicted felon rapist who tried to overturn the last election. If the GOP hadn’t nominated such a detestable piece of shit they’d be running away with it. C’est la vie
I disagree. Trump reflects the GOP. He isnt some outlier that has taken over an otherwise serviceable political party. He is the result of it. Whatever idiot that follows his footsteps wont be Nikki Haley it will be a Ron or JD or some other troll. It’s the people. Not the person.
I would like to see at least one debate between Harris and Trump. Yes we know where they stand on things, but I would like to see how they respond in real time. However, no need for Harris to rush to a debate, Trump seems more unhinged each day, why interfere with that. The R party cringes everytime he interacts with the public. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4824100-trump-republicans-campaign-issues/ "Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself"
IDs are racist... unless it's for a Dem's event. Dems want voter fraud... to work FOR them only. No IDs needed to sign up to vote, nor to actually vote in Dems controlled cities and states.
True examples of hypocrisy are all around us, so this gentleman must be really desperate to score political points to be making this point just weeks after the assassination attempt on Trump.
Seriously @okeechobee, if at this point you are willing to die on a hill criticizing Harris for simply taking security precautions, what credibility can your criticisms carry?
Harris should stay in the public eye- campaign like hell - but should do her best not to take up the oxygen in the room, because Trump is sucking it all up and choking on it. There will be a moment when she has to do interviews, etc. But as a general rule you shouldn't do something just because your opponent wants you to do it.
What assassination attempt? The one that is censored online or the one the media has swept under the rug? It's just a common sense person sharing that you pretty much need ID for everything in life except voting.
You know what I’m saying TJ. It has never been common sense for our political leaders to appear in public without security. There’s no way this guy would be recommending that if the leader his mother or wife, and no one here would defend him she was theirs. It’s only that we treat politics as such a spectator sport that spurs us to make such comments.
Are you saying that there was more than one attempt on the life of the former president? And to think I thought there was a single attempt in which a deranged 20-year old tried to kill Trump on July 13, 2024. By the way I know what you're actually trying to say. In your mind it was a conspiracy not the act of a single deranged individual which almost succeeded as the result of incompetence on the part of the Secret Service and the media was trying to cover up what you believe is the truth.