Well, well, well. To the shock of absolutely nobody, the only people who continue to get caught regarding fraud surrounding the 2020 election are MAGA acolytes. Once Harris and Walz blow Trump out in November, hopefully we can get back to politics being boring again. So tired of these scum bags who think they’re above the law and project all of their guilt onto the left. Tina Peters Convicted of Tampering With Mesa County Voting Machines
If voter fraud is involved it's safe to assume the fraud is to benefit a Republican. It's embarrassing at this point
He wishes. Lol...at the above the law crap coming from the Leftists that started this communist way of going after their opponents on trumped-up charges... no pun intended.
Why are Republicans always getting arrested for voter fraud yet they are always the ones claiming that Democrats do it? Talk about projecting
Lol... voting fraud is a big deal for the Dems. I wonder why both sides think they can get away with it. Thousands of noncitizen registered voters discovered, governor says https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud...&state=All&year=&case_type=All&fraud_type=All
I would assume voter fraud is a positive function of the belief that others are committing voter fraud.
Trumped up charges on clear crimes where even a jury with a Trump fan couldn’t ignore the evidence, lol. God love ya, Rick.
Name one honest trumped-up charge that's legitimate. Remember, if these are charges concerning federal elections, then it IS a federal issue.
I want to see if the Dems understand presidential immunity and what that means... especially in the New York case against Trump's bookkeeping records. The state of New York uses a federal election issue to bump up these misdemeanor bookkeeping errors to felonies? That whole case is a sham from start to end... too much BS to even re-hash. That judge and prosecutor are known Trump haters, and they even ran on "getting" trump. Nothing to see there.
I don't see where Democrats voted illegally in what you posted. Just face the fact that if someone is being arrested or voter fraud it's probably to benefit the Republicans. But since you decided to post an article about those who are undocumented voting this reminds me of the most recent arrest down in Miami of someone casting votes for Republicans and they happen to be on documented
Please stop pretending you understand anything at all about the applicable laws in that case. You don't.
The headline of the story says MAGA official.....I didn't know there was an organization called MAGA or is that just more of the leftists hype?
But MAGA official? I'd like to know what her "official" title is. The term MAGA official does make for nice headlines though.
So, some here would rather quibble about what MAGA means and sidestep the fact that Tina Peters was tampering with voting machines. PATENTLY DISHONEST AND FUNDAMENTALLY UNAMERICAN.
I'm sorry but if a publication is going to use the term MAGA official in their headlines one would think someone could actually document her official MAGA title. Otherwise what other untrue propaganda is the publication spreading?