If Piers Morgan gets to have takes about U.S. politics, I think we've already broken the seal. Welcome your input.
I think this election will be decided, just like 2016– based on which party can energize its base to get off their butt and vote. Kamala is using social media very well to generate the energy, which was materially missing under Biden. However, Trump has been using this media from inception as a means to generate excitement with his base. Kamala is far behind the 8 ball here. And to his credit — and I hate giving him credit— he is evolving, as well. He recently reached millions of young kids appearing live in a stream with a young alt-right influencer(the one who gave him a Tesla). He appears yesterday back in Twitter with Musk (which still reached about a million listeners even with the technical screw-ups). I expect both candidates to get their influencers influencing with more vigor, particularly after the Dem Convention. Whomever gets their base excited more is going to win the election.
Ok, I'm ready to give my official endorsement: The people are asking to hear my voice But the country is facing a difficult choice And if you were to ask me who I'd promote Jefferson has my vote.
The older millennial should be right up your alley then. Wrong about everything and actively lies to his followers’ faces, just the way they like it.
I know I'm getting older when I am perplexed by young people inventing new words or meanings for existing words.
Or eating tide pods or playin the choke out game. Nah even when I was a dumb teenager I wouldn’t have done something so stupid..