The facts make the libbies squirm. They enjoy research and journals and all that nerd shit until it reveals the truth.
Here’s more The Despair of Young Liberal Women “Something is happening to young people. A growing number of research studies suggest that young adults today face unprecedented degrees of mental distress. Most recently, the CDC reported that teenage girls are experiencing record levels of sadness. Left-leaning young women appear to be faring worst of all. What’s going on? There has been a lot of good writing on this topic—including from David French on the role of parents, Matthew Yglesias on liberal catastrophizing, and Jonathan Haidt on social media. I’m not going to rehash those arguments. Rather, I’m going to consider two possible explanations that have gone underappreciated and unrecognized: the #MeToo movement and a rapid change in social identity. Personal Unhappiness Liberals consistently report lower levels of personal satisfaction than conservatives. This has been clear for quite some time, I might add. I wrote about this recently in this newsletter, but lots of other folks have explored this idea, including Thomas Edsall and my colleague Brad Wilcox, both in the New York Times. The deficit in life satisfaction among liberals has a lot to do with lifestyle decisions, as I wrote: Compared to conservatives, liberals are less inclined to prioritize activities that are strongly associated with personal fulfillment.… Over the past 20 years, liberals have become less closely connected to religious organizations and churches. Only 35 percent of liberals report being a member of a church or place of worship. Marriage rates among liberals have also declined precipitously. Only 37 percent of liberals are currently married, compared to 56 percent of conservatives. “
And more “New data from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), capturing over fifty thousand undergraduate students nationwide, underscores the magnitude of the mental health crisis on campus. Over 50 percent of very liberal students find it “sometimes” or “always acceptable” to shout down a speaker to prevent them from speaking on campus. Only a quarter of moderates (25 percent) and 17 percent of very conservative students agree with these sentiments. In recent years, we have seen that liberal students are far more likely to promote shutting down ideas and try to silence views that they don’t like and the recent protests nationwide against Israel are hard to ignore. These liberal students happen to concurrently report significantly greater levels mental health issues compared to men and perhaps leading the charge to cancel those that they find objectionable is a symptom. When asked about how often one felt stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed, 82 percent of very liberal students reported feeling stressed “about half of the time” or more often. Roughly two-thirds (66 percent) of very conservative students felt the same way. Nearly 77 percent of very liberal students report feeling anxious more than half of the time while 52 percent of very conservative students report the same. Nearly twice the number of very liberal students (49 percent) reported feeling depressed more than half of the time compared to 26 percent of very conservative students. It turns out that very liberal students also felt lonelier and more isolated (52 percent) than their conservative counterparts (37 percent) and regularly believed they had no time for themselves (68 percent compared to 56 percent). Gender almost certainly plays a role here as well for collegiate women are far more liberal than men on campus today and women often report significantly higher rates of anxiety and depression compared to men. “ + “Those on the left are far more susceptible to the divisive DEI messages and narratives given their outlook on power, social order, and institutions. Studies have shown that liberals embrace the logic of oppression and harm and tend to be more politically radical, insular, vocal, and politically active than their conservative counterparts. As such, when liberal students walk around campus and come into contact with different ideas or views about the world, rather than embrace the challenge and thrill of diversity, they recoil and get upset because they’ve been trained to see the world through a lens of unending harm, power differentials, and narratives of victimization. This is a narrow, unenlightened, anti-intellectual, and self-defeating way to view the world.”
From your source, interesting but not surprising… “Those on the left are far more susceptible to the divisive DEI messages and narratives given their outlook on power, social order, and institutions. Studies have shown that liberals embrace the logic of oppression and harm and tend to be more politically radical, insular, vocal, and politically active than their conservative counterparts. Sounds right to me… Thx for sharing.
Sounds like white liberals should not be able to buy guns and should be on the government watch list.
Liberal women are more likely to be young Agree conservatives less likely to seek help. To a degree having a simplified belief system, like MAGA, or even religion, provides some assurance against the complexity of the world. If I had to guess, cult members would purport low levels of mental illness. I could also see how the traditional nuclear family is more predictable and stable and lead to less reported mental illness.
Political biases aside(don’t even think they matter), to me it seems undeniable that the pandemic really F’d a lot of people up with the isolation, the ridiculous shutdowns, and mandates. Personal interaction with other people is very important. It helps people realize that everyone struggles one way or another in their own way. When all of one’s interactions is through social media and message boards it’s hard to see reality in people.
I would have thought that George Conway would have spent more time taking care of his daughter but I guess trashing Trump is more important to him than happy, healthy children.
Harris should just have this as the back drop for every rally Yup, love it. Anytime MAGA loses, America wins.
I was being a little tongue-in-cheek with the quote given the context of this thread, but that's an interesting question. Personally, I would make a distinction between intelligence and knowledge because I don't consider them the same things, even assuming there might be a correlation. Even with intelligence, there are different kinds, and I think each of us has more aptitude for some kinds than others. Having said all that - in Buddhism, for example, suffering is often discussed as a product of ignorance (about the true nature of reality). Perhaps that's true. But at the same time, the old saying that "ignorance is bliss" also resonates with me to some extent.
I would think there is a strong co-relation between intelligence and happiness. Intelligence is what allows us to figure out ways to achieve and sustain happiness; balance the desire for now-happiness with the ability to achieve future-happiness. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Their daughter is an adult, but if you're going to fault George here, what about Kellyanne? I'd imagine having two high-profile parents on opposite political sides (in recent years at least) has not been easy. Reminds me of the Carvilles a bit, but the Carvilles said they didn't discuss politics in the house, and they managed to stay together despite their political differences. Something tells me it might have been a more tense situation in the Conway house - without even getting to how much the media and social media worlds have changed over the years.
Yeah. We had a thread a while back saying that 42 percent of Gen Z have been diagnosed with mental health issues. I doubted that 42 percent had even been through a diagnosis process, much less found with mental health issues. Same here. Anyone really think that 55 percent of white liberal women have had a professional diagnosis? I know a bunch of them and I don't think a single one has been thru that.