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Sasse Grifting UF

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by 108, Aug 12, 2024.

  1. staticgator

    staticgator GC Legend

    Nov 27, 2016
    This is a really weird way to respond. Who thinks like this?
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  2. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    We normal folks.
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  3. NapaGator

    NapaGator Premium Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    Bro, you’re just weird. Doubt you went to UF either. You can be a conservative and still be disgusted by what Sasse did.
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  4. 108

    108 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Conservatives want to place their people in charge because they tell their constituents that the reason young people vote Dem is because of overly zealous Libs in higher education, and then we get grift and handing out cokes at football games instead of doing the actual job at hand..

    Hope this blows back to DeSantis..
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  5. staticgator

    staticgator GC Legend

    Nov 27, 2016
    What kind of weird people think about transgenders all the time?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    That's what they say, they talk a big game about reforming education. But at New College, I think they basically just did sort of the same thing. Gave some cronies high paying jobs, paid some consultants and increased the number of sports scholarships, so well connected rich people's fail kids have a path to free college. At the end of the day, its just reaping the rewards of power and patronage. They have no idea how to do anything else effectively.
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    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  7. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    Why would you doubt my degree from UF?
    Dude, you’re flailing.
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  8. NapaGator

    NapaGator Premium Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    Because you sound, frankly, irrational, inarticulate, and fixated on issues (transgenderism) that has nothing to do with a DOUCHEBAG POLITICIAN FLEECING UF AND BLAMING HIS DEPARTURE ON HIS WIFE’S ILLNESS.
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  9. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    Dude, settle down. You’re new here it seems.
    It has been explained by a UF prof in this thread differently.
    Try and keep up.
    Also, I’m legit UF. I’m surprised too.
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  10. SotaGator

    SotaGator All American

    Apr 4, 2014
    Here is one result of political meddlng in Florida higher ed.
    Richard Corcoran, Pres of New College, earns a base salary of $699,000 and received a bonus in April of $200,000 for "overhauling" the institution.

    Incoming freshman class size for 2024: 325 students. Current total enrollment - fewer than 1000 students.
    36 of 95 professors from 2023 are gone.

    Strategic goal is to increase New College's total enrollment to a whopping 1800 students by 2034.

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  11. ursidman

    ursidman VIP Member

    Sep 27, 2007
    Bug Tussle NC
    Yep. There Zero sports scholarships and zero sports* prior to the overhaul of New College. They seized on baseball and baseball scholarships as a way to grow the student body.

    * had a killer hacky-sack club though.
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  12. sflagator

    sflagator VIP Member Trusted GC Insider

    Apr 3, 2007
    Not everything is a liberal/conservative issue. You can't be a lifelong politician without being a shameless grifter, GOP or Dem doesn't matter. There's no excuse for a lot of this
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  13. sflagator

    sflagator VIP Member Trusted GC Insider

    Apr 3, 2007
    Nah it's bad for Sasse not UF.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  14. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Yikes. Quite the tear down.

    President Ben Sasse's reckless UF spending leaves a legacy of greed (naplesnews.com)

    To justify hiring this neophyte, the UF board had to concoct a version of Sasse as a disruptor, a change agent, an innovator, someone who was coming in with an "audacious" vision. These are insipid business-school weasel words, the language of scammers. No one bothered explaining why UF, one of the top public universities in the nation, needed a disruptor. But dripping with hubris, Sasse — who ran a college smaller than some Florida high schools — described himself as uniquely clear-eyed while "most of higher education doesn’t understand the pace of what’s coming." Once in the job, Sasse disappeared.

    He seemed terrified of the The Alligator, the university's hard-charging student newspaper, with whom he refused to sit for an interview, and his general absence inspired posters plastered across campus asking, "Have you seen this man?," according to The Alligator. His exit was just as spectral. Shocking some of the school's senior administrators, he announced earlier this summer he was leaving to devote more time to his wife's health issues.

    Now, we know a bit more about what this avowed fiscal conservative was doing behind closed doors: He tripled spending in the president's office, according to a stellar Alligator investigative report, and ballooned the number of employees from 10 under his predecessor to 30. While a little less than $6 million was enough for Sasse's predecessor to keep the office running, the former Nebraska senator needed more than $17 million. How else was he to pay his former U.S. Senate employees and other Republicans six-figure salaries for high-level remote-work positions at UF? And where was he supposed to find money to pay McKinsey — a notorious consulting firm to whom Sasse was once an external adviser — several million for work the school refuses to explain?

    Publicly, Sasse's only real contributions to UF were penning occasional and sneering op-eds critical of his peers in higher education and serving as the face of a proposed $300 million graduate campus of still-unspecified location somewhere in downtown Jacksonville — a pet project being driven by UF board of trustees member Mori Hosseini, a homebuilder and major DeSantis financial backer. Beyond some vague platitudes, Sasse never really articulated how building a lavish campus in Jacksonville, which is already home to three universities and a state college, fit into any kind of larger vision for the university, where he was simultaneously interested in slashing programs. The Jacksonville project began as a $150 million proposal and mushroomed at some point to $300 million for no particular reason. Not unlike Sasse's elevation, the idea seems like an obvious boondoggle in the waiting.
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  15. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Well how optimistic are you they hire someone less divisive than Sasse?
  16. staticgator

    staticgator GC Legend

    Nov 27, 2016
    Seems this is what is what all about.

  17. sflagator

    sflagator VIP Member Trusted GC Insider

    Apr 3, 2007
    going to be a lot harder thanks to the folks at the alligator.

    I'm personally going to seek out Rahul Patel, who is a former student of mine, and ask him what the heck he was thinking. Not that I think that will help but I really want to know. He is a UF lifer (only he and Heavener on the BOT are) and is a big fan of the university, I can't believe he would intentionally screw UF. There are other Desantis hacks on the BOT, But I have to naïvely believe that he and Heavener didn't see it coming
    • Informative Informative x 4
  18. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    On a message board?

    In the politics (toilet bowl) :cool:forum?

    About a thread that's attacking the former UF pres over his politics?

    ...and it was basically funny?

    What's weird, is the Left's sudden obsession with the word 'weird.'

    The Chicoms must have deployed a subliminal memo to use the word 'weird' as often as possible, and to let sKamala be "...unburdened by [her] past."

    ....weird.... :confused::confused::confused:

    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
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  19. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    After Fuchs had a few missteps in trying to deal with the powers in Tally, I think they thought that getting someone with conservative credentials would ease the pressure they were getting from Tally, he could speak their language so it would help with funding, he had a national name so it would fly with the alums, and he had just enough academic credentials to make it palatable to the faculty. They tried to thread an incredibly small needle eye when what they really needed to do was just hire a qualified person and fully support them. For a university on the level of UF and where UF still wants to go, it appears to have been as naive as it was desperate, but not ill willed IMO. And for those that think we were boxed in a corner, FSU hired a qualified academic in the same basic timeframe.
    And maybe I’m seeing what I want to see as far as the next hire, but I feel like after a rough short term, long term all this could help us. If the BOT is smart enough to recognize their mistake (which they seem to have been), they will bend over backwards to give the next person every demand they make to get things back on track. Might make it very appealing for the right person. It also might speed up some of the change that’s needed to happen for years.
    The bigger issue for UF right now is the post tenure review process and the fact that we told 39 of 262 tenured profs who were rated that they were either going on probation or were forced out. That’s basically academic poison, you’re all but eliminating tenure. FSU gave 0 of those ratings and essentially made it a perfunctory exercise.

    Bad times always follow good times and UF had a remarkable 10 year run, but it going to take a lot of work to dig out from all this.
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  20. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    I read that one. Now that’s a hit piece lol. No journalism just narrative. But the sad reality is that the optics at Uf are bad right now and this narrative has oxygen.